Android + 2018.2 + Burst: build failes due NDK not found

I just downloaded 2018.2, updated Burst to the newest version (0.2.4) and tried to make a build for Android. Unfortunatly, I get this Error after a short time: Failed running C:\Users\Nope\AppData\Local\Unity\cache\packages\staging-packages -

The Error message suggest a wrong NDK enviroment path, but both this enviroment var and the NDK Path in Unity point to the same location. Building worked in 2018.1 so far.

Any ideas?

I just tested and had no problem.

Burst 0.2.4p20
Unity 18.2.0f2
NDK r13b

I just checked, I don’t even have a PATH variable set for NDK, only JDK

Same problem and already reported because it looks like a bug. (

How to fix it for the time being is not to use Build And Run but just Build then you do adb install -r __.apk later manually. The APK will comes out just fine.

Thanks! At least I’m able to build now. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the report. All the tests for burst were actually done with only “Build”. I was not aware about this difference. Will try to track this down.

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