We received a feedback from Google Play Editorial Team with changes to be done in our game before it gets featured on the store.
On Android 6, three “weird” permissions are popping up (please see the attached images) and none of these are present in the game’s “manifest.xml” file.
Even after an extensive research, we couldn’t fix all the issues as follows:
Fixed: READ_PHONE_STATE (manage phone calls) was added to the APK automatically by Unity (5.3.3) when we called the function “SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier”. However, we will have to figure out another ways to identify the devices for the analytics tools.
Open: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (access photos, media, and files) we have no idea from where it is coming from!
Open: GET_ACCOUNTS (access your contacts) we have no idea from where it is coming from!
Also, the following plugins are in use now:
Facebook SDK
Google Play Game Services (Prime31)
AppsFlyer, Chartboost, Flurry and Google Analytics
Please help us to identify what are the causes of WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and GET_ACCOUNTS appearing on the APK during the build process!
Thanks in advance!
Note #1: “Split Application Binary” is OFF;
Note #2: The word “GET_ACCOUNTS” don’t appear in any of the project files, including sources, binaries, manifests, etc.
Hi, when building the APK inside Unity, in the player settings:
What do you have in install location?
And in write access?
I think that might cause WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.
Same issue here and didn’t find the right tools to unpack, repack, sign and align @Leekafka can you share with us the tools you used for this solutions please ?
@Leekafka I have these feedback from Google Play Editor team as well. After you removed those permission manually in manifest file, did your game work correctly? In my case it stopped at my company logo screen.