[Android] Addressable Load very slow Via AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync

Why is loading local bundles on Android still so slow (like really slow) via AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync ? When I switch to load via UnityWebRequest (“Use UnityWebRequest for Local Asset Bundle” option from settings) the speed process is much faster than AssetBundle , but the **problem is that the bundles are duplicated(**AssetBundle Loading | Addressables | 1.18.19), so in my case the game becomes almost twice in size .

Also , why is this system seen as a replacement for the old Resource system when obviously has a major problem and it’s not emphasized anywhere (I’m talking about Android) ?

Since there will be no fix for this anytime soon , I advise to everyone who has the same problem to move back to Resources and drop out completely if possible Addressable , but keep the flow to be ready when this bug is fixed , here it’s quick code which wrap Resources and Addressable into one , so when it’s ready you’ve just to modify the call .

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;

namespace General
    public static class ResourceBundle
        public static BundleAsyncOp<T> ResourceLoad<T>(string key , bool isLoad) where T : Object
            var op = Resources.LoadAsync<T>(key);

            return new BundleAsyncOp<T>(op);
        public static BundleAsyncOp<T> AddressableLoad<T>(string key) where T : Object
            var op = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<T>(key);
            return new BundleAsyncOp<T>(op , true);
        public static BundleAsyncOp<T> AddressableInstantiate<T>(string key) where T : Object
            var op = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<T>(key);
            return new BundleAsyncOp<T>(op , false);
    public class BundleAsyncOp<T> where T : Object
        /// <summary>
        /// Specific for addressable , IsLoad asset or instantiate gameobject
        /// </summary>
        private readonly bool IsLoad;
        private readonly bool IsAddressable;
        private readonly ResourceRequest ResourceRequest;
        private readonly AsyncOperationHandle<T> AddressableOperation;

        public Action<BundleAsyncOp<T>> Completed;

        public bool IsDone => IsAddressable ? AddressableOperation.IsDone : ResourceRequest.isDone;
        public T Result
                if (IsAddressable) return AddressableOperation.Result;
                return (T) ResourceRequest.asset;
        public BundleAsyncOp(AsyncOperationHandle<T> addressableOperation, bool isLoad)
            IsAddressable = true;

            AddressableOperation = addressableOperation;
            IsLoad = isLoad;
        public BundleAsyncOp( ResourceRequest resourceRequest)
            IsAddressable = false;
            IsLoad = false;

            ResourceRequest = resourceRequest;
            ResourceRequest.completed += operation =>