[Android] - Ads just stopped

Hey guys, I was just finishing things up to release my game, then realized none of the (live) ads are working.
Test ads work. The live ads were working, but they just randomly stopped working now, they don’t even try to pop up.

However, the testing for ads works in the editor, no problems with any of the debug logs.
It’s only when I get into my actual Droid device that they don’t even try to load up anymore or anything.

I don’t know if this is the problem but in my game we have same problem and we realize the problem is dont have any ads for my region. With tests it’s working normally but when we publish just don’t pop-up and don’t give errors.
And another work around, try to check your settings at unityads site.

That’s exactly what’s going on for me as well. I tried going to settings but no idea where the Settings are to change the region.

I mean, I live in the USA, so I’d think I’d have more ads than Brazil or something.
I just don’t get how a game like Cross Road can make a Million dollars in 45 days if after 30 views in ads it shuts off lol.

Well, here is working “normally”, sometimes the ads just dont popup.
Here is my settings in site .
Your package name in unity is setup correctly? Another configs is right too?