Android API level 29

Google requiremet is API level 29 scince August, but I only have 28 on Unity 2019.4.1f, kinda strange
External tools:
In player settings:
If I pick 29 API level:


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Try looking in the Android forums for that problem. As you noted, API level 29 appears in the dropdown and should be supported by 2019.4.1f1.

API level 29 worked for me, I just tried building with Unity 2019.4.3f1, I selected “API Level 29” from the “Target API Level” dropdown in player settings. Then when I started the build, it asked me to upgrade the installed API level to 29, I hit upgrade and it downloaded the API level and build succeeded, checked in the Unity Hub installed folder and the SDK for API 29 is now installed there, then uploaded to Google Play and received no warning about API level 29. I am attaching a screenshot from Google Play console for confirmation.

I tried as you did Sailendu but in my case I couldn’t upgrade it. I’m using 2020 1.0f1 but no solution

I have got this problem in 2020 1.0f1 but when I want to upgrade to 29 API as Sailendu said it doesn’t work.

In my point of view the Android SDK and Unity do not have the same path. I means your new unity is using Old path and you can not find a way to find out how to this (Even you are seeing the both part are the same) ?? Here is the solution.

First Uninstall the unity and android SDK then Install the unity from Unity Hub and allow the unity hub to download the android sdk from the scratch.
And also do not forget to install the important Android SDK tools.

In my case the things started to work. I hope in your case the things will start to work and you will get the API level 29.

Hi iam using version 2019.4.5f1 and api 29 is showing in dropdown but when i try to set it it is asking for update and i tried to install it is showing installation failed

I have similar issue.
API 29 and 30 fail to update.
Working on fix.

I got a success build, still waiting to see if workable apk.
I have Android SDK installed in its own folder using the install from Android Studio.
I went to C:/Android/sdk folder and
Copy the build tools and platforms into the Unity Hub folder.

copy to
C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.5f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\build-tools\29.0.2

copy to
C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.5f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platforms
to give you
C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.5f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platforms\android-29

Then select API 29 in Unity Player Settings and build, it shouldn’t ask you to update your API and successfully compile.

Not sure of the after effects yet though.
Use with caution.


Upload to Google Play is successful and August API 29 deadline warning has been removed.
APK runs as expected after compile.
!(http://D:\CJSStudios\App_Studio\ChamberOfDevelopment\EngineOfUnity\Unity API 29 Fix Build Success.png)
!(http://D:\CJSStudios\App_Studio\ChamberOfDevelopment\EngineOfUnity\Unity API 29 Fix Upload Success.png)


On MacOS Unity 2019.3.7 successfully updated API to 29.

I had to install Android Studio to get Androind SDK Manager (could find it anywhere else) then I installed SDK level 29 via Manager and copied some folders (missing build tools and platforms) from Android Studio SDK to Unitys SDK - it works for me.

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I ran the sdkmager.bat on a Windows console (as administrator) located in C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.6f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\tools\bin. The typed command was sdkmanager “platform-tools” “platforms;android-29” “build-tools;29.0.3” and API level 29 got installed. Unity built the android app normally.

For more info about running the sdkmanager sdkmanager  |  Android Studio  |  Android Developers

The error for update on Unity seems to be related with administrator permissions for file writing on Windows.


Will this also work for Unity 2019.1.7f1? I’m experiencing this same problem rn

I guess, because it is updating the android sdk independently. Search the path in your Unity version.

Hmmm . . . after accepting the agreement for installing Android SDK Platform 29 in 2019.4.6f1 I get an error: “Warning: Failed to read or create install properties file.”

Ah. Had to run Command Prompt as Admin. Probably if I had Unity running as Admin it could have done it as well?

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Yes command prompt should be started as Admin.

And yes, somewhere else somebody made the suggestion of starting Unity as Administrator.

Worked when I closed Unity Hub, ran UnityHub as Administrator, opened Android project, built

FYI I split off this discussion from the previous one happening in Unity Cloud Build forums since this all seems to be useful discussion around local builds which deserves better visibility in a forum where it’s more likely to be seen by other Android developers and the Android platform team.