If you’re talking about the new warnings google created you can safely ignore them.
Google wants people to use the new AAB but they ignored the fact that games can be larger than their 150mb limit and annoys us with useless warnings.
If your game cannot be uploaded using AAB you have no choice AFAIK.
What you should do:
Always try to send the game first with AAB to avoid issues, choose “Split APK by target architecture” and uncheck “Split application binary”, then check “Build App Bundle” and build, it will create a single AAB file you send to google, the AAB file can be larger than 150mb, google will create the apk file for your on their end, and if the APK they generate has more than 150mb they will not let you upload the game.
It is the best way to upload the game now, and if your game is only a few MB above the limit you should try to lower it (compressing more textures, audio files, removing any possible garbage, etc).
Now, if you have no way to lower it further (like my game is 400mb due to many textures needed), you have to do it the “bad” way.
You will have to check “Split APK by target architecture”, check “Split application binary” and unckeck “Build App Bundle”. When you build unity will ask for a folder and create 4 files, 3 are apk files by architecture, 1 arm7, 1 x86 and one x64, and the other is the obb file.
When you upload to google then you need to upload all apks (in the same release, it will show the different versions when you upload), then FOR EACH APK uploaded, you have to add the obb file, you have to repeat this for every architecture, Google will once again warn you that you’re uploading the same file 3 times (the obb file is the same indeed), IGNORE it, if you don’t do it this way the game will not work.
Google will then complain with more warnings, you have no choice but to ignore.
This also comes with the problem of a known bug on androids, when the game is downloaded from google play the obb file has the wrong owner set to it, and so your game will now need access external storage permission to access the obb file or it will once again not function since it cannot access the obb files, this means you need to put a request for a permission to access the players personal photos (this is what the permission message actually says) even when you’re not doing it, just because of a bug on Google’s code, and they won’t fix it! Bug related: Google Issue Tracker
If the player refuses the permission the game will only work after a device reboot, this means the first scene in your Android Unity game has to be a scene forcing the permission request and not allowing the game to continue unless you have the permission…