[Android] : Application.targetFrameRate can't set below 30 FPS

Unity version : 5.1.2f1 and 5.1.3f1
Platform : Android

We’ve created very simple project, rotate some objects and show FPS.
We found out that when set Application.targetFrameRate < 30,
It does not affect on Android devices. (but effective on iOS).

Is this abnormal?
Our main project need to set FPS < 30 in some scenes.

Below is the code snippet.

void Start ()
        QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0;
        Application.targetFrameRate = 20;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
        transform.Rotate (new Vector3(1,1,0), 20f);

Thank you for your answer in advance. :slight_smile:

FYI. the code for display FPS is from :
in 'Other UnityScript HUDFPS.cs’ section.

Any information about this?

Hi and welcome to the forums!

Could you please try to set the V Sync to Don’t sync and in a separate test run V Sync to ever vblank in the Quality Settings and see the difference. I know this should have the same effect as QualitySettings.vSyncCount=0; but better try this too as test. Which devices are effected? Does this reproduce with a empty project for you?

I have same problem.
I tried QualitySettings.vSyncCount=0; and V Sync to Don’t sync in QualitySettings.
Unity version : 5.3.4p3

I have the problem.
Unity Version 5.3.4