Android: 'back' button event


Is there any way to know when 'back' button on the phone is pressed? I'd like to exit the game when this button is pressed, and not hide it (if hidden, after touching the icon the second time - the game resumes from the previous point and does not restart).


The "escape" key label appears to be mapped to the back button on the android platform in the final release of Unity 3.0. As far as other mappings I've found that the "menu" key label is mapped to the menu key and that that MonoBehaviours will get an "OnApplicationPause" + true call when the home button is pressed and an "OnApplicationPause" + false when the application is brought back as the current process. I've not found a mapping for the search button as of yet.

write this your scripts (KeyCode.Escape is code for native "Back" button on Android):

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit(); }

No Doubt it will work try this one.i tried also.