Android BCE0019 error with UnityEngine

Hey all, ive stripped an old game i've built and trying to convert it to Android

But when i try to run the bare project i get a bunch of BCE0019 errors;

   BulletObjectCopy.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * BulletSpeed * 100);
   camera.main.GetComponent("LevelController").LevelStatus = 1;


The .transform, .rigidbody, .LevelStatus etc being the problems..

is this todo with the dynamic typing? i dont understand what this means because im fairly new to scripting.

Thanks for any help. Matty

Alright obviouslly it was todo with Dynamic Typing (i now understand this) and i just had to make the dynamic basics into statics i did it this way;

var mesh = (myObject.GetComponent(MeshFilter) as MeshFilter).mesh;