Android Build Does Not Show UGUI Texts

As Stated in the title, Normal text works fine, but not Text Mesh pro UGUI on android builds, however it works fine in the inspector and Game-Play Mode.

Not Quite sure what to do about this. I am considering changing all TMPro UGUI text to normal text, but that is a lot of work considering the app is already finished.

Thanks In advanced



I dont know what the problem is, but the fix, I selected my Scene (right click >> Select all dependencies), Exported it into a new project. Opened the scene in a new project and it worked

Just to add more detail: Before I ReImported the Scene, I had to Make the Project back into Android format, and also Most Importantly I Made a TMP_text so that it asks me to download essentials etc. Only after that do you Import the scene

Without the TMP Essential Resources, the shaders will be missing and as such, that will potentially break all materials and the text.

When you initially posted, the issue sounded like missing resources.