Android Build Error because of no certificate?

Hello guys, For the past week or two, I’ve been getting this build error:

CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to install APK to device. Please make sure the Android SDK is installed and is properly configured in the Editor. See the Console for more details. D:/Unity/2019.4.3f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer\SDK\platform-tools\adb.exe -s “f97ea8ab” install -r -d “D:\Path to built apk” stderr[ adb: failed to install “D:\Path to built apk”: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl151045695.tmp/base.apk using APK Signature Scheme v2: SHA-256 digest of contents did not verify] ] stdout[

I’ve tried every solution that seemed to work for other people and even reset both my phone and computer but it still shows up??

The solutions that I tried:

  • Deleting the Debug.keystore and letting Unity automatically create a new one
  • Creating my own keystore (through Unity’s settings and the command prompt)
  • Downgrade SDK and NDK
  • And other solutions that I don’t remember

All that I can understand (and I hope I’m correct) is that the certificate or paths to sign the apk when building keeps changing to a different one because even if I uninstall the project on my phone and build a new one the same error will occur.

The only solution that seems to work right now is to use the sdk and ndk that Android Studio uses instead of Unity’s but it only works 3/10 of the time…

Encountered the same issue, any updates on this one?
I’m still on 2019.4.30f1