(Android build error) Can not sign application Unable to sign application; please provide passwords!

I have Googled and Googled but maybe I am missing something simple here, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have created the keystore using Unity’s built in publishing settings for Android. I 100% have the correct password. I have also clicked “browse” and make sure the correct keystore is selected and also chosen the correct Key Alias and input the password below it. (I have uploaded an image regarding this)

I have also got my JDK path and Android SDK path in my environment variables. I’ll just show them below so you can check I haven’t done something stupid:
ANDROID_HOME = C:\Android\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140321\sdk
JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66

I have also installed the latest build-tools being: sdk/build-tools/23.0.2
Plus I have installed “Android support repository”, “Android support library”, “Google play services”, “Google repository” through the Android SDK Manager.

Then when I go to build I get the following error. I have Google this alot but can’t seem to find it but maybe I’m just missing it!

Any help would be hot :slight_smile: Full error below:

UnityException: Can not sign application
Unable to sign application; please provide passwords!
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessAndroidPlayer.ShowErrDlgAndThrow (System.String title, System.String message, System.Exception ex)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessAndroidPlayer.ShowErrDlgAndThrow (System.String title, System.String message)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessAndroidPlayer.CheckPrerequisites ()
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessAndroidPlayer.PostProcessInternal (System.String stagingAreaData, System.String stagingArea, System.String playerPackage, System.String installPath, System.String companyName, System.String productName, BuildOptions options, UnityEditor.RuntimeClassRegistry usedClassRegistry)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessAndroidPlayer.PostProcess (BuildTarget target, System.String stagingAreaData, System.String stagingArea, System.String playerPackage, System.String installPath, System.String companyName, System.String productName, BuildOptions options, UnityEditor.RuntimeClassRegistry usedClassRegistry)
UnityEditor.Android.AndroidBuildPostprocessor.PostProcess (BuildPostProcessArgs args)
UnityEditor.PostprocessBuildPlayer.Postprocess (BuildTarget target, System.String installPath, System.String companyName, System.String productName, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.String downloadWebplayerUrl, System.String manualDownloadWebplayerUrl, BuildOptions options, UnityEditor.RuntimeClassRegistry usedClassRegistry) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/PostprocessBuildPlayer.cs:316)


Have you successfully built to an android device before or is this your first time? The keystore might be corrupted. If you haven’t already uploaded to Google play services you could just generate a new keystore for the project.

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Thanks for your reply! I have tried creating a new keystore a bunch of times, using different software to do so, and I have tried Unity’s one a few times. Also yes I have exported to Android 100’s of times before this. with the same project.

The problem may be related to this… I tried to include the package GitHub - playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity: Google Play Games plugin for Unity in my project, but it was riddled with errors, so I removed it. I wonder if that has caused some issues, or if deleting all the files has actually removed it entirely.

If not, it may be something else but still really confused :frowning:

Update… I use git for versioning, so I have gone back to two versions ago, where the keystore stuff hadn’t even began. On exporting I still get an error:

CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. See the Console for details.
C:\Android\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140321\sdk\build-tools\23.0.2\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S "res" -I "C:/Android/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140321/sdk\platforms\android-23\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_ --extra-packages com.google.example.games.mainlibproj

Ahhhhhhhhhhh… relax * relax* it’s ok… :frowning: Any idea’s anybody?

Ah… fixed! I found in a comment on another site that I should also delete the “Plugins” folder, I never knew that it was ever created. So basically I deleted the “Assets/Plugins” directory which had and “Android” and “IOS” directory inside it, and I no longer got the error!


Thank you for your share

Fixed!! Fixed!! Fixed!! Fixed!! Fixed!! Fixed!! Fixed!! !!!
1- Delete (GoogleMobileAds , PlayServicesResolver and Plugins) and import it again.
2- Create New Keystore .



I have the same issue. When I first create a Keystore I can build, but next time I try to build I have this error. I don’t have a Plugins/GoogleMobileAds/PlayServicesResolver folders - so I cannot delete them.

Any idea on how to fix this issue ?


Solved… solved no need to delete plugin folder.
just change the Key alisas to Unsigned (debug).
Under Player Settings-> Publishing settings → key.



Funny thing is that this worked for me too. My keystore was selected and passwords were put in, but it still didn’t work.

Then I switched it to Unsigned first. Then switched it back to my Alias, and the error went away.
(The error occurred after updating to 2017.1 and reimporting a whole bunch of things.)


i have the problem same ,and
how to make it isn’t a problem ?
i chose the other chose !

Thanks much! This fixed my issue for me : D

Fixedddddddd Thanks a lot…

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Mine keeps saying Unable to sign application; please provide passwords!
Any ideas about why it’s doing this or any ideas about how to fix it?

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simply in player setting-> Other settings → add password

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Just go to your Player Settings → Publishing Settings and enter the passwords in both fields for the keystore and the key…
they aren’t saved by Unity you have to enter them every time you reopen Unity…

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What a torture!!! Anyone find a solution to this?

Solved… solved no need to delete plugin folder.
just change the Key alisas to Unsigned (debug).
Under Player Settings-> Publishing settings → key.

Thanks! bizzcodestudios Really brilliant.