Android build errors, please save me!

Continuing the discussion from Android builds for Playstore with unity 2022.3 are they still possible?:

As I didn’t get anywhere with the above, I finally managed to get mapbox working in Unity 6, but now have a whole load of errors trying to build the app.

I’ve been searching for hours and found various people with similar issues (although mostly with older versions of Unity) and any fixes don’t seem to help. Being perfectly honest, I don’t understand a word of any these errors, so if anyone can decipher them and give me some things to do to fix them, I’d be very grateful!

> Configure project :unityLibrary
Variant 'debug', will keep symbols in binaries for:
Variant 'release', symbols will be stripped from binaries.

> Configure project :launcher
Variant 'debug', will keep symbols in binaries for:
Variant 'release', symbols will be stripped from binaries.

> Task :unityLibrary:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:writeReleaseAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:javaPreCompileRelease UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:generateReleaseResValues UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:generateReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:packageReleaseResources
> Task :unityLibrary:extractDeepLinksRelease UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:compileReleaseLibraryResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:parseReleaseLocalResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:checkReleaseAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:generateReleaseResValues UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:generateReleaseRFile UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:javaPreCompileRelease UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:mapReleaseSourceSetPaths UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:generateReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:processReleaseManifest

> Task :unityLibrary:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac FAILED

> Task :launcher:mergeReleaseResources
17 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 13 up-to-date

UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:219)

/Users/david/Unity Learning/Trivia Trails PTM/Library/Bee/Android/Prj/IL2CPP/Gradle/unityLibrary/src/main/java/com/unity3d/player/ error: cannot find symbol
                () -> onApplyWindowInsets(surfaceView, ViewCompat.getRootWindowInsets(getWindow().getDecorView())));
  symbol:   method getRootWindowInsets(View)
  location: class ViewCompat
/Users/david/Unity Learning/Trivia Trails PTM/Library/Bee/Android/Prj/IL2CPP/Gradle/unityLibrary/src/main/java/com/unity3d/player/ error: incompatible types: View cannot be converted to FrameLayout
        FrameLayout frameLayout = findViewById(contentViewId);
2 errors

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':unityLibrary:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

* Try:
> Run with --info option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.


UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:219)

CommandInvokationFailure: Gradle build failed. 
/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/6000.0.23f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/OpenJDK/bin/java -classpath "/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/6000.0.23f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Tools/gradle/lib/gradle-launcher-8.4.jar" org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain "-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m" "assembleRelease" 

Environment Variables:
AMPLITUDE_API_KEY_REDBUCKET_DEV = 46b8b46515e7632fc42a504b72e05fd0
__CFBundleIdentifier = com.unity3d.unityhub
AMPLITUDE_API_KEY_GREENBUCKET_DEV = 3ded2a762163603391a425f688f990c8
COMMAND_MODE = unix2003
AMPLITUDE_API_KEY_GREENBUCKET_PROD = c86fea37a9e1d3f0878b96e15b111c7c
SENTRY_ACCESS_TOKEN = 3df78d9e53f8456aa90fbae044ce1a6261421ab1d0014674bc2e933477289017
JAVA_HOME = /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/6000.0.23f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/OpenJDK
AMPLITUDE_API_KEY = 28f3cae0b33b8b3702120c9ed1a935aa
ANDROID_NDK_ROOT = /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/6000.0.23f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/NDK
AMPLITUDE_API_KEY_STAGING = 83ee04fccc67e4fcc7dd527c4c6f1e21
USER = david
MallocNanoZone = 0
LOGNAME = david
__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING = 0x1F5:0x0:0x2
AMPLITUDE_API_KEY_YELLOWBUCKET_DEV = 48835b4d1f5e342aefe5f016324d296a
PATH = /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
SSH_AUTH_SOCK = /private/tmp/
AMPLITUDE_API_KEY_YELLOWBUCKET_PROD = e03a9bbe92dc38a88cdb068d24c65b46
HOME = /Users/david
TMPDIR = /var/folders/jr/tgrbjcdx6s17yp8y1rnnf46c0000gn/T/
SHELL = /bin/zsh
AMPLITUDE_API_KEY_REDBUCKET_PROD = ca12bb461ea96f9bdf5df4ded7d52994

/Users/david/Unity Learning/Trivia Trails PTM/Library/Bee/Android/Prj/IL2CPP/Gradle/unityLibrary/src/main/java/com/unity3d/player/ error: cannot find symbol
                () -> onApplyWindowInsets(surfaceView, ViewCompat.getRootWindowInsets(getWindow().getDecorView())));
  symbol:   method getRootWindowInsets(View)
  location: class ViewCompat
/Users/david/Unity Learning/Trivia Trails PTM/Library/Bee/Android/Prj/IL2CPP/Gradle/unityLibrary/src/main/java/com/unity3d/player/ error: incompatible types: View cannot be converted to FrameLayout
        FrameLayout frameLayout = findViewById(contentViewId);
2 errors

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':unityLibrary:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

* Try:
> Run with --info option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.


> Configure project :unityLibrary
Variant 'debug', will keep symbols in binaries for:
Variant 'release', symbols will be stripped from binaries.

> Configure project :launcher
Variant 'debug', will keep symbols in binaries for:
Variant 'release', symbols will be stripped from binaries.

> Task :unityLibrary:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:writeReleaseAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:javaPreCompileRelease UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:generateReleaseResValues UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:generateReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:packageReleaseResources
> Task :unityLibrary:extractDeepLinksRelease UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:compileReleaseLibraryResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:parseReleaseLocalResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:checkReleaseAarMetadata UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:generateReleaseResValues UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:generateReleaseRFile UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:javaPreCompileRelease UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:mapReleaseSourceSetPaths UP-TO-DATE
> Task :launcher:generateReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :unityLibrary:processReleaseManifest

> Task :unityLibrary:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac FAILED

> Task :launcher:mergeReleaseResources
17 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 13 up-to-date
exit code: 1
UnityEditor.Android.Command.WaitForProgramToRun (UnityEditor.Utils.Program p, UnityEditor.Android.Command+WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEditor.Android.Command.Run (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi, UnityEditor.Android.Command+WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEditor.Android.Command.Run (System.String command, System.String args, System.String workingdir, UnityEditor.Android.Command+WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg, System.Text.Encoding inputEncoding) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEditor.Android.AndroidJavaTools.RunJava (System.String args, System.String workingdir, System.Action`1[T] progress, System.String error) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEditor.Android.GradleWrapper.Run (UnityEditor.Android.AndroidJavaTools javaTools, Unity.Android.Gradle.AndroidGradle androidGradle, System.String workingdir, System.String task, System.String[] extraArguments, System.Action`1[T] progress) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
Rethrow as GradleInvokationException: Gradle build failed
UnityEditor.Android.GradleWrapper.Run (UnityEditor.Android.AndroidJavaTools javaTools, Unity.Android.Gradle.AndroidGradle androidGradle, System.String workingdir, System.String task, System.String[] extraArguments, System.Action`1[T] progress) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.Tasks.TasksCommon.RunGradleTask (UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.PostProcessorContext context, System.String workingDirectory, System.String taskName, System.String[] extraArguments, UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.IPostProcessorTask owner, UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.ProgressHandler progress) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.Tasks.TasksCommon.RunLauncherGradleTask (UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.PostProcessorContext context, System.String taskName, System.String[] extraArguments, UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.IPostProcessorTask owner, UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.ProgressHandler progress) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.Tasks.BuildGradleProject.Execute (UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.PostProcessorContext context) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.PostProcessRunner.RunAllTasks (UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.PostProcessorContext context) (at <7786c836bd654c7abbcc4c0f1676bd06>:0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:219)

Build completed with a result of 'Failed' in 19 seconds (19252 ms)
3 errors
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:219)

maybe Android just not supports them? Or it is another situation that something comparing to default Mobile template is lacking and it can’t build

The mapbox part works on Android. I had it building fine in 2022.3, but couldn’t load it to Playstore as they need API level 34 now. After converting it to Unity 6, now I have these errors.

My current kinda unrelated tip here is only never update / change version for things if they work good already, i guess you didn’t even needed Unity 6 features as it is usually pretty low level hided

In which case do you have a solution for the topic I linked in the original post?
I had the app working fine in Unity 2022.3, and could run it on my own phone locally, but I could only build for API level 32, and Playstore now requires at least level 34. I couldn’t find any way to do this in 2022.3.

You can give it as a bug to the Unity team, btw, this topic isn’t even in “Bug” section.

Remake it properly so Unity people and advanced devs will see.

You need to give goodly written steps to reproduce the bug, if want a quick resolve

I’m a Junior so can’t help concretely in this “There is bunch of errors, here is the debug log” case.

My only solution is to revert on Unity version which will support latest Android Play Market (if that’s the problem) on which building will be possible. (maybe you can go into archive and get earlier full 2023 versions instead of Unity 6 (Which is the same, its just a rebrand)