Android Build Failure After 2021 Update

Getting a build failure in Unity Cloud builds for an Android project:

[2022-09-14T03:02:16Z - Unity] ERROR: Internal build system error. BuildProgram exited with code -2147024809.
774: [2022-09-14T03:02:16Z - Unity] System.ArgumentException: You’re trying to copy to BUILD_PATH/p/xxxx/Library/Bee/Android/Prj/IL2CPP/Gradle/unityLibrary/src/main/java/com/unity3d/player/ more than once. Previously from Assets/Plugins/Android/ and now from C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Source/com/unity3d/player/
775: [2022-09-14T03:02:16Z - Unity] Internal build system error. BuildProgram exited with code -2147024809.
776: [2022-09-14T03:02:16Z - Unity] System.ArgumentException: You’re trying to copy to BUILD_PATH/p/xxxx/Library/Bee/Android/Prj/IL2CPP/Gradle/unityLibrary/src/main/java/com/unity3d/player/ more than once. Previously from Assets/Plugins/Android/ and now from C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Source/com/unity3d/player/
777: [2022-09-14T03:02:16Z - Unity] EXCEPTION: BuildFailedException: Incremental Player build failed!
778: [2022-09-14T03:02:16Z - Unity] BuildFailedException: Incremental Player build failed!
779: [2022-09-14T03:02:16Z - Unity] ERROR: Player export failed. Reason: BuildFailedException: Incremental Player build failed!

Only started getting this after updating to Unity 2021 from 2020.

The “You’re trying to copy more than once” seems the suspect here, but i don’t know what code is doing that or why.

It saying that you have Assets/Plugins/Android/ in your project, remove it and you’re good to go.

If you intended to override default unity activity, you need to choose a different name, having UnityPlayerActivity is no good, you’ll then need to set Main Manifest and choose a different launcher activity which has your chosen class name.