For future advertising efforts consider posting some pictures of the game - so people can see what it looks like, if they might want to check it out.
Also -
What does this mean, Type: Indie? I didn’t know indie was a type of game.
Hey, i agree that you need screenshots in your post and even when i go to play store, there’s no video there. Is difficult spetially because i have a iPhone, so i cant test it.
I’ll love to give my oppinion, but theres no much that i can say. Anyways, keep on the good work and i can assure you that you’ll get better games
I’d love it if this forum required specific titles, items in post etc. E.x.:
[Game][iOS & Android] Game Title – etc.
That could be helpful, but you can put them yourself and it will help to people to find your title interesting, get in to your thread and then comment over it. Nobody likes just a link to your game and have no context.