Android Crash - Unity Main - Unity 2020.3.15f2

The application works, but when I do a specific calculation, it crashes and in Logcat it shows this.
I still don’t understand what calculation or else is causing this error, I’ll try to figure it out.

In the meantime, could you tell me if an older version of Unity works? Or what if it’s something that I did wrong and that I can fix? That is, do you have any information on this error?

(I reproduced the crash on a Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini and on a Redmi Note 8)

I attach the Logcat:
< removed image >

Also on Unity 2020.3.14 and 2019.4.29 I have the same crash

I discovered the nature of the issue.

In my code I had a calculation that caused a “StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow.”

I had the calculation inside a try() - catch() method.
In the editor then, it recognized the error and went on, in the Android instead, in the presence of the StackOverflow, it crashed.

I think this remains a bug, that is, if it works in the editor but not in the Android, the developer gets confused, I think you expect it to either work in both or crash in both.

However, by stemming this error, I have solved my problem at the moment.
However, I would be happy to hear an expert opinion on it, to understand if it is a Unity bug