Android creation

I got some minor worries im hoping people can help me. First, im wondeirng if my game will be up and down becuase right now its appearing to be side to side by default. How do i fix that or will it turn out ok? Also, anythinf i can use to make a better UI button. Like something that i can use as a interaction becuase the white button stands out a bit weridly.

Hello buddy,

A lot of configurations you can do on Menu File/Build Settings/Player Settings

About UI:

  • Colors relation means a lot, complementary colors and triadical color - Use Adobe Kuler web page to help you

  • Animation on the Buttons, color changes on hover and click

Havnt really got anything to go on based on your your question, but you can change your game from landscape to portrait in player settings.

As for UI buttons for controls , use them as a visual representation, attach colliders and use raycast and rayhit along with touch events to handle input.

Hope this helps

So i did the player settings. But will it auto readjust my buttons, ect?