I’m using the new com.unity.transport multiplayer thing, and it works well when I run my game on two PCs. They connect to each other without problems.
But when I run one copy on android, and another one on PC, the following happens:
If I run android app as client and PC one as server, android app successfully sends connect request, then server on PC accepts connection and starts the game. But android app doesn’t receive “connection is accepted” signal.
And if I start android app as server, and PC one as client, connect request from PC doesn’t reach android app.
In terms of code sending a connect request looks like this:
m_Driver = new UdpNetworkDriver(new ReliableUtility.Parameters { WindowSize = 32 });
System.Net.IPAddress ip;
System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse("", out ip);
NetworkEndPoint endpoint = NetworkEndPoint.Parse(ip.ToString(), 9000);
m_Connection = m_Driver.Connect(endpoint);
Feels like something blocks network data from reaching android app.
So, does anyone have any idea, what could be wrong here and how to make it so android app receive data from network?