Android export: minimum API level?


in the build settings for Android, I’m wondering if the available “minimum API level” depends on the Unity build or if it depends on the version of the installed Android SDK?

I ask for that because I use the latest Unity build and the latest Android SDK (4.2), and I can’t export my Unity project to Android 4.2 (actually, I can export from Android 2.0 to Android 4.1, but no 4.2).

If it depends on Unity, do you know when Unity will be able to export projects to Android 4.2?

Thank you!

I can’t answer your question, but I’ve had the same problem.
What I found was that Google changed their naming scheme for the SDK in 4.2.
In 4.1 and below, it would created a folder named after the API level. (If you open the SDK Manager it will show you the SDK Path. The folders I’m talking about are under [SDK Path]/sources).

For example, Android 4.0 SDK is API level 14, so it would create a directory named “android-14”.
You’d expect Android 4.2 (which is API level 17) to have a directory named “android-17”, but in fact it’s something like “android-4.2” (I’m going off memory there so it might be different).

The point is that it’s NOT what Unity expects. It’s unfortunate the Google decided to change their naming convention. I’m not sure when Unity will be updated to handle the change. It’s possible it’s changed already, but I’m still using 4.0 so I can’t confirm that.