Android Failing: !build failed - export directory is empty!

Just started happening. Builds fails after about 2 mins with this error:

! build of ‘default-android’ failed. ! build failed - export directory is empty!

I’ve tried both “Internal” and “Gradle” build systems.
Also not using any external plugins.

Using 2018.2.16f1

I have a project that was building fine in Android yesterday and failed just now (says there’s a compilation error, but it’s fine locally), and I noticed in the build log that it’s somehow picking up Unity 2018.2.17 even though 2018.2.16 is the latest I have via Unity Hub. So you might want to check that in your log and maybe try setting it back to 2018.2.16 in your config (I haven’t tried that, yet).

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Thanks, switching manually to 2018.2.16 fixed the build.
Guess 2018.2.17 not ready for prime time yet

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I don’t do automatic builds on commit, but it would be nice to have builds triggered when new Unity versions show up!