Android - Fast Paced Flying Adventure!

Hello there!

After a few months of dark cave dwelling… I have finally been able to emerge as a game developer and join the elite… just a taste of course… lol…

SKY PIGS for ANDROID has just been released for public play…

Give it a try and download it! Don’t have the time, just play it later! It’s a fast paced flying adventure you will go back to, again and again!

Have any suggestions or advice? Email us at:

Definitely gonna stick around if anyone has any questions!

webplayer for the non android fellas. :slight_smile:

sprites look clean from the images, and it looks like there is a nice element of humor used.

Thanks for the advice! I think you’re absolutely right! I will begin to learn that element.

Too bad you don’t have an Android… probably could have gotten some great advice from you.

I will update on the webplayer, after I learn more about it.