After working with many local and international indie studios, I decided to start working as a freelancer and publish original and crazy concepts using Unity 5.
The funny story is:
On 10 May 2016 a close friend forwarded an email about a competition for “android educational games in Arabic Language” … seems good to start!
the last line of the email was the deadline: 15 May 2016
Yes, my face was like OxO
The problem is I don’t have an idea or a concept for an educational game, I never did educational games before.
After non-sleeping days the result was: Food Chain Game
The game you are about to see has been made in 4 days as follows:
- Day 1: Research and read as many “wikipedia” as I can
- Day 2: prepare the basic code for the mechanics and selecting the optimized method
- Day 3: Photoshop Day, to compose levels and insure acceptable blending effects
- Day 4: full programming day.
Hope you like it.
It’s totally free without any monetization method.
** Please execuse my poor English.
I took extra days to add the English language to the game and now I am planning to sleep 3-4 days
Thanks for reading this,