Android FPS Crashes After Splash Screen

I have no idea why, but my android game crashes on my HTC Incredible after the unity splash screen. I looked at the logcat and I have no idea what it means I’m going to post the raw logcat.

Logcat: --------- beginning of /dev/log/systemD/ConnectivityService( 136): Connecti -


There is unfortunately not enough information in that logcat alone to determine the cause of your crash. If you re-run the application in ‘development mode’ and also state what version of Unity you are using we would have something to work with.

Two steps forward:

  1. Submit a bug report to Unity and attach your project, or a stripped down repro project that shows the problem. This is the simplest way for both you and us to determine if the problem is with Unity or somewhere else, and what can be done about it.

  2. Run the app in ‘development mode’, capture the logcat from that run, and attach it to a bug report. This does not always include all the pieces we need to track down the crash, but sometimes it’s enough to roughly determine the cause.

Of course you may do all of it; a crash report with a simple repro case, information about editor version and the device used (including OS version), and the logcat from a run in ‘development mode’ is quite possibly the best bug report we can get :wink:

I have the fix!

Goto and install the latest version. If you have 3.4.2f2 Android deployment has a bug, but their latest version 3.4.2f3 resolves this. You can not update your editor through the “check for updates” goto and download it from there as it is not recognized as a new update.