[Android][Free] Cyber Snake

Hey guys. This is my second game I have created. It’s modeled after the original snake game, with my own added twist, and up to date controls. So if you liked the original you might want to give this one a try.

Currently there are 20 levels increasing in difficulty with the last few potentially becoming quite challenging. As time progresses i will be adding more levels in increasing difficulty, however prior to doing so I am looking forward to the feedback on the gameplay and difficulty thus far. Don’t be shy!

You can find the game here:

Alright it’s been a while since I had a chance to come back to this. Before I left there were a lot of things I wanted to change and add to the game. So now that I have a lot of free time again I decided I will finish all the little things I wanted to add.

My first post wasn’t the most descriptive ever so I figured I would add a little more info as to what the game is about, and what has changed. Currently there is still only the Arcade Mode with 20 levels.

Cyber Snake is a popular classic arcade style game. It’s based off the old versions where you eat food and your tail grows, while avoiding the edges (or walls) and obstacles. This version adds a little twist aside from just the obstacles, you can also jump. This allows you to jump over obstacles, as well as your own tail. The tail will follow the jump leaving a gap you can also go through (like a tunnel)

How to Play Arcade:
To play arcade you only need to avoid your body and obstacles. You can use 1 finger to move by tapping the location you want the snake to move to, or drag your finger around to have it follow your finger. To jump you can either double tap one finger, or tap once with 2 fingers. If you drag one finger you may also tap with a second finger to activate the jump.

The goal of the game is to infect a computer system (since you are a virus) by eating it’s data. You do this by infecting one sector of the computer at a time (levels) once a sector has been completely infected you may move onto the next.

Recent Changes:

  • Changed the obstacle graphics to better suit the environment.
  • Redesigned some levels to better balance the difficulty.
  • Reduced the rate at which ads are displayed
  • Improved UI usability by making the scroll system more fluent and the scroll buttons easier to press.

Currently in Progress:
I am currently working on sound at this moment. I have added some BG music and some minor sounds. I am hoping to be finished all sounds soon.

Future Features:
These are features I would like to add in the future only if enough people want them.

  • Adventure Mode
  • AI
  • More Levels
  • Bigger Levels

Updated Screenshots:

Please rate it and let me know what you guys think. If any changes or anything needs to be made :slight_smile: I’d greatly appreciate the feedback.

Alright final version is up and running!

Features Added:

  • Added a controller
  • Added a countdown timer after resuming the game
  • Added Sound
  • Allow you to prepare to move while timer counts down

If anyone is willing to try it please let me know what you think.

God game, nice style, but there are things I think can be improved:

  1. I tried to play it with the battery charger connected in a comfortable position to me, but it appeared upside down and the screen refused to rotate, so I had to unplug the charger to be able to play it comfortably.
  2. The explanation about how to control the game it’s quite long and confusing, you could instead say something like: drag the orange dot to where you want the snake to go, touch with a second finger to jump.
  3. I played it on a tablet and texts look good on that screen size, but I doubt the font sizes you are using will be readable on a 3" screen.
  4. In the “Dungeon Select” screen I have to tap 2, 3 or 4 times before it responds.
  5. I think the font you are using isn’t consistent with the concept and style you are trying to apply, I would use something more “computer like”.

Thanks for playing and your input George :slight_smile: I’ll take all that under advisement in my next update. I have had very little feedback at this point so it’s nice to know where my shortcomings are.

@georgeq For font were you thinking something to match the explanation text? if not the same?