Android Game Crashes After Splash Screen

I’m using Fungus to make a VN-like game, and I’m trying to export it to PC and android.
For PC it works fine, but for android… it crashes always after splash screen.

I have tried to export the project as a package and import in a new project.
I have tried to change the image compression,
I have tried running the game only with OpenGLES2 (because 3 is not supported by my phone)
…and none of these worked.
It still crashes after splash screen.

I also tried exporting another Fungus project (from examples folder) and it worked, but my project didn’t.

I’m using Android 4.4 , and Unity 5.5.2 with Fungus 3.5.1 .
In the project folder I have about about 100+ images, and I’m using them all.

Can someone please tell me why is this happening?

and you have no idea why this is happening right? :stuck_out_tongue: its probably because of a deadObjectException I used to have the same problem in an application where I had more than 200 images
check unity Profiler for memory visualizations or
an image of 30kb would take me up to 2.9MB of memory and I had no idea
then I had to override all images for Android and iOS devices to reduce the max size and compressing settings

I have solved the problem, after 2 days of trying different methods.
The issue was with the audio part, all I did was to change the audio compression for every audio file in my project.
I’ve had plenty of audio files, and all of them were loaded at the start, and I guess that’s why it that was too much to handle for my android device.