Android Game - No Shadows in Build however present in Editor

Hi there,

I’ve made a little game that I’ve published on the Google Play Store ( ) and for the past 3-4 days I’ve been preparing a little update which mostly consist of new content and better character control. Before doing this update, I had shadows in my android game which I tested on my Nexus 7 2013 Tablet, now I don’t. Here’s what I’ve tried so far to get them back:

  • Enable, Disable, Enable, Disable, Enable and Disable again the “Use Direct3D 11” in both the Web Player and PC, Mac & Linux Standalone
  • Enable and Disable the Edit > Graphic Emulation setting which is currently set to No Emulation
  • I’ve set everything to Static and then also unchecked that (also tried loading different levels)
  • Went from Hard and Soft Shadows to Hard Shadows Only in Quality Settings

Nothing got my shadows back inside my build. Within my editor I see my shadows, but when I CTRL+B to push it to my USB connected tablet, I don’t see them anymore on my tablet; the game loads just fine, but no shadows.

I’m using Unity3D free, Version 5.0.0f4 (5b98b70ebeb9) Personal. Can you please help me figure this out so I can update my game? I don’t have a whole lot of experience with Unity3d, I only do this as a hobby during my free time.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. - The only error I’m getting when compiling is the following:
Assets/Plugins/GoogleAnalyticsV3/GoogleAnalyticsV3.cs(121,29): warning CS0618: UnityEngine.Application.RegisterLogCallback(UnityEngine.Application.LogCallback)' is obsolete: Application.RegisterLogCallback is deprecated. Use Application.logMessageReceived instead.’

However I was getting this before too, so it’s nothing new.

After some continuous further searches I’ve found a suggestion that said to Project Settings files from another game and copy them over. Luckily I’ve had an archived version of my game from a few days ago so I was able to copy & paste them from there and it fixed my issue. In conclusion, please try your best to save your game in a separate location as often as possible so that when you run into a similar issue, you have somewhere you can back up your Project Settings files.