Android Game testing


I have made some android games, I find that some devices do not handle them well, e.g. samsung galaxy s3 , but on my test device it works fine.
Google play does not offer any options to limit device support per performance.

Can I ask how others deal with this to make sure their games run nicely and only on supported devices?
Is there a testing service, maybe that I can use?
Any ideas or comments would be most welcome.


heres an idea…
release a “demo version” or Beta version of your game, basically only keep the content to test the game features. go to the collaboration on the forums page an ask for beta testers to test your game(nicely), and then ask them post a review and comment with details on the performance :).

its like two bird with one stone, one the community can point out faults (too hard, too easy, boring , unfair, DarkSouls DARKSOULS!! , glitches etc) in the game and you find out which devices your game can run on.

there this site too, but i think its PC games

Yes, absoteluly. Testdroid is a perfect solution to get your Android game quickly tested on even hundreds of different Android devices. You might find some interesting practices and tips&tricks here:

For example, image recognition is quickly becoming a viable method for mobile game testing.

Disclaimer: I work for Testdroid, but I’m happy to help if you have any questions related to mobile game testing.