I can change the theme in Android manifest from android:theme=“@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar” to android:theme=“@android:style/Theme” to show the navigation bar.
But it doesn’t take effect unless I uncheck status bar hidden in player settings - but I don’t want the status bar, just the navigation bar.
To show the navigation bar set Screen.fullScreen to false.
Success! Thanks
Is it possible to boot with fullscreen disabled?
I’d like the navigation bar during loading screen, and presently its causing an ugly UI relayout when the nav bar animation finishes.
Where Do I should put the “Screen.fullScreen” to false.? I am new in unity,
Screen.fullScreen = false; this is not working. Navigation bar not showing
It should work.
This seems to have changed in unity 2018. I set fullscreen to false and the navigation bar is hidden unless I tap on the bottom of the screen and drag up
@CallToAction what is the exact version you are using?
Hey @Yury-Habets , I have been having the same issue. Haven’t found any solution to unhiding the android navigation bar. I have tried setting Screen.fullScreen = false; in an empty script as well as other Android code I have found online.
I am currently using Unity 2018.1.0f2.
It was fixed in 2018.1.2f1.
2018.1.0f2 edit: I am an idiot. For clarity, it works as intended, thanks.
Doesn’t seem to work. Made a new Unity project, sample scene with 1 script containing:
void Start () {
Screen.fullScreen = false;
Android’s navigation bar is in “immersive sticky” mode. I would settle for nav buttons locked on-screen.
I can’t have nav buttons flipping out constantly just because my touch input game… uses touch gestures… and users touch… the edge of the screen.
What I’d really like to do is get rid of the thing completely, looks like I have no choice but to use a Java plugin and do something hackish to Android.
Edit: any thoughts on this? Since I've bugged you.
I've implemented a character controller that allows the user to translate the camera with horizontal pinch zoom. Currently, if I can't fix this, my only plan is to remove backpedaling to discourage swiping from outside onto the screen (opening the nav bar).
However that's not a real solution... Some people view which pinch direction is "forward" differently and I did intent to include a toggle (for that and rotation).
@Yury-Habets I’m using Unity 2018.3.4 and I just set a script with
Screen.fullscreen = false;
And nothing is displayed is it an issue from Unity again ?
It’s just a pain to display navigation bar & status with this. Cause I need to do it by displaying a black bar behind them to let them always display in our app.
Is it true Unity started listening to UI/View flag changes performed by setSystemUiVisibility and applying changes of its own? I want to hide the navigation bar even you swap the screen from screen, How can i do that? @Yury-Habets
Did you find a solution to this? I’m also looking for a solution to this, thanks!
You can check this https://github.com/Over17/UnityShow…atusbar/UnityPlayerActivityStatusBar.java#L44 from Yury-Habets.