[Android] IL2CPP, Linux editor build fails, clang

Using 2023.1 Beta for an Android project on Linux (Ubuntu).
Worked on 2021.x. The build fails as a follows:

Building Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/x6ly2/er97_getifaddrs.o failed with output:
clang: error: no input files

This issue was reported already at 2022.x and this thread is mainly to bring attention that this is not resolved. See this thread.

Unity version: 2023.1.0b11 (d7a57a783dcc)
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

Could you attach Editor.log please?

Hi Tomas and thanks for your reply.

Here is a zip file attached of ~/.config/unity3d/Editor.log from a failed build with the error message as described in initial post.

I can also add that I am using Android Target API v32.
Trying to uplift from v30 as Google play will soon restrict earlier versions.

8944254–1227183–editorlog.zip (79.3 KB)

Hi @Tomas1856 !

Did you manage to figure something out based on the attached Editor.log?

Thanks in advance

Sorry for not replying earlier, the bug is on Unity HUB side, it seems it somehow incorrectly extracts NDK.

The public issue tracker is here - Unity Issue Tracker - [Linux] Build fails with "clang not found" errors when building an IL2CPP Android project with ARMv7 and ARM64 Target Architectures

I think you can workaround this issue by manually downloading https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r23b-linux.zip, extracting, and telling Unity to use this directory instead of builtin one which comes from HUB

Hope that helps

Hi, the first part of this suggestion is clear but when you mentions “extracting, and telling Unity to use this directory instead of builtin one which comes from HUB” how can be possible using command line? I run this on a headless server.