Android + iOS Compile

Hi -

With unity pro plus the iOS and Android extensions, is it possible to compile an iOS app and an Android app with a single unity pro license? In other words, I have a PC and can compile an Android app no problem. However, how would I compile an iOS app? Can I install my unity pro (that I already installed on my PC) onto a Mac and compile an iOS app? Or would I have to buy another Unity Pro license for Mac?

So, would I have to buy:
Unity Pro License: PC 1500
Unity Pro License: Mac 1500
iOS extension: 1500
Android extension: 1500

total: $6000


there is no mac - windows pro. there is Unity Pro which allows you to target web, mac, win, linux and chrome native client (webplayer too).

on top of that you would get the two mobile pro

thats $4500

if you don’t need pro then its just $800 cause its Unity free (same target platforms as pro above) + $400 for iOS basic + another $400 if you also want to target android

You can have 1 license installed on 2 computers at any time.