Android keyboard doesn't show up

I googled that for hours but still can’t find a solution.

I tried just using a TextField, which supposedly would make the keyboard pop up, but all I can do is just select the text in it. The keyboard does not appear.
Then I tried to make it appear by code, using a similar code to that on the documentation: Unity - Scripting API: TouchScreenKeyboard.Open

But still no results. Everything else works fine, but the keyboard won’t show up.

I’m using a Nexus 7 tablet, by the way. And this is my code:

var showKeyboardButton : GUITexture;
private var keyboard : TouchScreenKeyboard;
var textInput : String = "Some text here.";
    function Update()
                 if (showKeyboardButton.GetScreenRect().Contains(touch.position) && touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                 keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(textInput,TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default);            
       if (keyboard)
          textInput = keyboard.text;

What could be causing this?

I am having the exact same problem. Someone find a fix
Device: Samsung S7
Android version: 7.0 (Nougat)