Hi, in my game i am trying to use just 2 scenes, but when i run it in my device if i load the second scene(game) then go back to the first one(menu) and repeat it over and over, the game start to lose fps, at first it runs at 60, after 3 loadLevels it runs at 30, i dont know if making all the game instantiate at only one scene is better, but i want to know why the game performance is affected after 3 loadLevels on android device, it’s supposed that the load level destroy everything from the past scene, thx.
Are you instantiating a lot? That can cause memory problems. Destroying things is also bad for memory.
actually i am instantiating almost everything because that doesnt give me fps problems, i want to use the scenes because its easyer, but i have that fps problems when i use loadLevel
You’re instantiating then destroying, which is causing memory leaks.