Android Low fps after Unity 5.3

I’ve been searching about this problem but I couldn’t find anything. Before updating unity to 5.3 the game was running grate but now I have a very low fps >20 and am running it on Samsung Galaxy s6 edge plus so I don’t think my phone is poor preforming especially because before updating it was running smooth here is a screen shot from the profiler if it can help:

Notice how rendering is insane though I don’t have many object it scene the game is just hitting a duck moving from left to right with a hammer (in 3D) I’m also using Legacy shadier because I read that its less expensive than stranded shadier I also have V Sync on and I noticed an improvement turning it on before turning it on fps was as low as 11. And let me add that on editor it works perfectly at steady 60 fps.

Please any help is appreciated.

Are you using forward or deferred rendering?
Deferred rendering has a huge performance impact on most mobile devices.