Android Low FPS

I’ve been searching about this problem but I couldn’t find anything useful.
So the problem is, when I create a new project, new empty scene, set it up for Android and than just Build & Run it, i have maximum 18 FPS… Without any game object in the scene! I tried to turn off Precomputed Realtime GI, doesn’t really help. Am I missing something? Is there a tutorial how to properly set Unity for Android developement? Thanks

I have GSmart Guru G1 ( )

I presume you are using standart shader. Standart shader is not suitable for devices. Change material’s shader to Legacy or Mobile and test again. Legacy shaders are more efficient for mobile devices.

Thanks all for the reply…
I’m using Unity 5.1.1 personal version.
So the problem was actually standart shader, as Avietry said… And also a skybox, even the original one on the main camera… So thanks again :slight_smile: