Android Manifest for Oculus App Lab

Hey I’m trying to get my app to test users using App Lab. I’m using the XR Management Plugin.

But when I upload my APK, I get the following errors:

Upload new binary to the Production (App Lab) channel
APK can’t be validated
We found issues with the APK during validation. Please check that the APK meets the ‘Application Manifest Requirements’, then resubmit your app.
APK main activity intent filter includes android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER, which is not allowed. Please remove it from AndroidManifest.xml and retry.
APK install location should be auto (android:installLocation in AndroidManifest.xml). See documentation at:

I tried to put a custom manifest into Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml

But when I build the APK, the manifest STILL includes LEANBACK_LAUNCHER and install location is “2”

What can I do?

Hey WavyRancheros,

Could you try disabling Android TV Support in the Android Player Settings?

This should remove that entry as Leanback mode is an Android TV thing. Can confirm on my end this should work but i tested it with Oculus XR Plugin 1.8.1.

If this doesn’t work on your version or if you are using the oculus integration package from the asset store and it does not work please let us know and we will look into fixing this.


that Android TV Support setting fixed the LEANBACK_LAUNCHER error. But I still have an error left:

„Exclude from Recents“ (android:excludeFromRecents in AndroidManifest.xml) must be set to “True”.

How do I change this?

same problem here, i added a custom manifest that fix the “exclude from recents” bu then unity not sign the apk, i tried creating again the firm to sign the apk, but the problem is the same

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

I haven’t found a solution. So I had to unpack the APK, change the manifest inside it, and repack it. Like in the good old days.


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