Android Mobile Notifications not repeating

Hi, I’m trying to use the Mobile Notifications Package to send notifications on Android. Everything seems to work well when I just want to send notification one time ( without adding repeatInterval). But as soon as I add a repeat interval the notifications do not arrive at the scheduled time. For example: If I schedule a notification at 3:30 PM then the notification gets delivered at exactly 3:30 PM but when I add a repeatInterval of let’s say a day then the notification arrives at random times say 3:38 PM. I’ve been trying to find a fix for this but no luck so far. Here is my code:

var channel = new AndroidNotificationChannel
                Id = "default_channel",
                Name = "Default Channel",
                Importance = Importance.Default,
                Description = "Reminder"

var notification = new AndroidNotification
                Title = notificationDto.Title,
                Text = notificationDto.SubTitle,
                FireTime = notificationDto.DateTime,
                RepeatInterval = new TimeSpan(1,0,0,0),
                SmallIcon = "icon_0",
                LargeIcon = "icon_1",
                ShowTimestamp = true

AndroidNotificationCenter.SendNotification(notification, "default_channel");

Notifications on Android do not have precise timing. Notifications package has settings for this, but in general Google pushes towards them being inexact.

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