Android native popup window

Hi guys,do you have any idea of how to show on android device the native android popup window with a message and yes / no answer?


Android doesn’t support modal dialogs, so it would involve adding an activity or using the dialog builder. In both cases, you’ll need to write the java code to display and handle the response.

Here is a link for the dialog builder code.
How do I display an alert dialog on Android? - Stack Overflow

You can use the Unity API in java to send a message back to Unity when the response is received:

You can use the JNI Helper to call the Java method to display the dialog, from within Unity script:

You will use the Helper with the AndroidJavaObject and AndroidJavaClass classes to make calls into the java side. It is a nasty system, but it works. If you have a few bucks and no time, just get a plugin. I use the Prime31 etcetera (I think) plugin which has an ability to display an alert dialog with results.

May be this post might be useful for you

Pretty sure that you would have found a solution by now. You need to write an android plugin for that incase if you want native features. there is no option availability on Unity directly.

But would like to suggest our free plugin Cross Platform Native Plugins which can be useful to others who want to access native popups like Alert Dialogs, Prompt Dialogs.

try this…

for android…

for IOS…