Android normal map resolutions

Does anybody has experience about strike on performance with overridden textures settings?
Normal map is set to truecolor instead of compression looks much better but how this will work when a scene has dozens different objects with different maps set to truecolor?

I’m currently using overridden textures for pretty much everything in our project. You’ll find that some normal maps compress better than others. In general i’m finding I’ll use truecolor or rgb16bit since PVRTC and ETC compressors tend to destroy the normal info. You can always stick to truecolor or rgb16 during dev, and at the end grab all your nmaps and bulk select the compression of your choice. I perfer to do this during early production since PS changes / paintovers etc take ages to update if they need recompressing everytime you make a change in PS.

Perf wise we’re using nmaps only on characters and there’s not many nmap vars in the scene but this is on Droid/iOS so we’re getting away with fewer but larger sized textures - some as big as 1024. Currently I’m trying to just make sure the texture size is sub 1.5MB - the main difference we’ve seen is that larger textures affect game load times. I’m sure your mileage will vary depending on your platform and game requirements.