07-22 06:02:58.304 1032 8467 I ActivityManager: Start proc 9417:com.myapp.id/u0a76 for activity com.myapp.id/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
07-22 06:02:58.641 9417 9433 D Unity : [VFS] Mount /data/app/com.myapp.id-2/base.apk
07-22 06:02:59.289 9417 9433 I Unity : SystemInfo CPU = ARMv7 VFPv3 NEON, Cores = 4, Memory = 2771mb
07-22 06:02:59.289 9417 9433 I Unity : SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 2 big (mask: 0xc), 2 little (mask: 0x3)
07-22 06:02:59.290 9417 9433 I Unity : ApplicationInfo com.myapp.id version 1.0.41 build 518bc75d-5bf3-485d-a35a-3b1bd031a5c6
07-22 06:02:59.290 9417 9433 I Unity : Built from ‘2018.2/staging’ branch, Version ‘2018.2.0f2 (787658998520)’, Build type ‘Development’, Scripting Backend ‘mono’
07-22 06:02:59.290 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xe3f63008
07-22 06:02:59.292 9417 9433 D Unity : Unable to find library path for ‘monobdwgc-2.0’.
07-22 06:02:59.305 9417 9433 D Unity : Mono path[0] = ‘/data/app/com.myapp.id-2/base.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed’
07-22 06:02:59.305 9417 9433 D Unity : Mono config path = ‘assets/bin/Data/Managed/etc’
07-22 06:02:59.307 9417 9433 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized from /data/app/com.myapp.id-2/base.apk/assets/bin/Data (debug = 0)
07-22 06:02:59.308 9417 9433 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55335
07-22 06:02:59.308 9417 9433 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized unix socket : Unity-com.myapp.id
07-22 06:02:59.309 9417 9433 D Unity : Multi-casting “[IP] [Port] 55335 [Flags] 2 [Guid] 58494225 [EditorId] 1484772739 [Version] 1048832 [Id] AndroidPlayer(Oculus_Pacific@ [Debug] 0 [PackageName] AndroidPlayer” to []…
07-22 06:02:59.309 9417 9433 D Unity : Started listening to []
07-22 06:02:59.408 9417 9433 D Unity : InitializeScriptEngine OK (0xd0c64ee0)
07-22 06:02:59.408 9417 9433 D Unity : PlayerConnection already initialized - listening to []
07-22 06:02:59.588 9417 9433 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for ‘libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer’, native render plugin support disabled.
07-22 06:02:59.589 9417 9433 E Unity : Unable to find libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer
07-22 06:02:59.599 9417 9433 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics OK
07-22 06:02:59.599 9417 9433 D Unity : AndroidGraphics::Startup window = 0xe3f63008
07-22 06:02:59.599 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xe3f63008
07-22 06:02:59.601 9417 9433 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 63d4008, I83a540a04a
07-22 06:02:59.601 9417 9433 I Adreno : Build Date : 03/01/18
07-22 06:02:59.601 9417 9433 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.23.01.00
07-22 06:02:59.601 9417 9433 I Adreno : Local Branch :
07-22 06:02:59.601 9417 9433 I Adreno : Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.5.5.R1.
07-22 06:02:59.601 9417 9433 I Adreno : Remote Branch : NONE
07-22 06:02:59.601 9417 9433 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
07-22 06:02:59.603 9417 9433 I Adreno : PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
07-22 06:02:59.606 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.1+AEP RGB0 000 0/0
07-22 06:02:59.607 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Checking ES 3.1 support…
07-22 06:02:59.610 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] ES 3.1 support detected
07-22 06:02:59.610 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.1+AEP RGB16 565 0/0
07-22 06:02:59.610 9417 9433 D Unity : GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
07-22 06:02:59.611 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.1+AEP RGB0 000 0/0
07-22 06:02:59.612 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.1+AEP RGB16 565 0/0
07-22 06:02:59.612 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0
07-22 06:02:59.615 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[9] ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0 AFBT
07-22 06:02:59.622 9417 9433 D Unity : ANativeWindow: (2560/1440) RequestedResolution: (0/0) RenderingResolution: (0/0) EGLSurface: (2560/1440)
07-22 06:02:59.627 9417 9433 D Unity : Renderer: Adreno ™ 530
07-22 06:02:59.627 9417 9433 D Unity : Vendor: Qualcomm
07-22 06:02:59.627 9417 9433 D Unity : Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@292.0 (GIT@63d4008, I83a540a04a) (Date:03/01/18)
07-22 06:02:59.627 9417 9433 D Unity : GLES: 3
07-22 06:02:59.628 9417 9433 D Unity : GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_OES_texture_compression_astc GL_OES_texture_npot GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_QCOM_alpha_test GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_sRGB GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_sample_variables GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_mul
07-22 06:02:59.628 9417 9433 D Unity : tisampled_render_to_texture2 GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_EXT_debug_label GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_YUV_target GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_KHR_no_error GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_external_buffer GL_EXT_blit_framebuffer_params GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance
07-22 06:02:59.628 9417 9433 D Unity : GL_EXT_protected_textures GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_QCOM_texture_foveated GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_EGL_image_array GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior
07-22 06:02:59.643 9417 9433 D Unity : OPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.2 graphics device ; Context level <OpenGL ES 3.1 AEP> ; Context handle -831131968
07-22 06:02:59.645 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xe3f63008
07-22 06:02:59.646 9417 9433 D Unity : Requested framebuffer: resolution[2560x1440], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[on], samples[1]
07-22 06:02:59.646 9417 9433 D Unity : Created framebuffer: resolution[2560x1440], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[24/8], samples[0]
07-22 06:02:59.646 9417 9433 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xe3f63008
07-22 06:02:59.646 9417 9433 D Unity : Initialize engine version: 2018.2.0f2 (787658998520)
07-22 06:02:59.730 9417 9433 I libOpenSLES: Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2)
07-22 06:02:59.730 9417 9433 W AudioTrack: notificationFrames=-10 clamped to the range -1 to -8
07-22 06:02:59.731 615 615 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: Direct PCM is disabled for this request
07-22 06:02:59.731 615 8915 D compress_voip: voice_extn_compress_voip_out_get_parameters: enter
07-22 06:02:59.732 9417 9433 D AudioTrack: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 1536
07-22 06:02:59.739 9417 9433 D AudioTrack: updateAppOpsPlayAudio: checkOp OP_PLAY_AUDIO for com.myapp.id returns: 0 (ALLOWED)
07-22 06:02:59.746 9417 9433 D Unity : Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
07-22 06:03:00.212 9417 9433 D Unity : - Completed reload, in 0.466 seconds
07-22 06:03:02.866 9417 9433 W Unity : OnLevelWasLoaded was found on PhotonHandler
07-22 06:03:02.866 9417 9433 W Unity : This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
07-22 06:03:02.866 9417 9433 W Unity : Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
07-22 06:03:02.866 9417 9433 W Unity :
07-22 06:03:02.866 9417 9433 W Unity : (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoScriptCache.cpp Line: 343)
07-22 06:03:02.866 9417 9433 W Unity :
07-22 06:02:58.357 9417 9417 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
07-22 06:02:58.358 1032 1282 W InputMethodManagerService: Focus gain on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@88071e5 (uid=10021 pid=8972)
07-22 06:02:58.527 9417 9417 I Unity : onResume
07-22 06:02:58.577 9417 9433 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xe3f63008
07-22 06:02:58.577 9417 9433 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xe3f63008
07-22 06:02:58.614 9417 9417 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: true
07-22 06:03:10.327 9417 9433 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineGraphics OK
07-22 06:03:10.329 9417 9433 D Unity : Found 4 native sensors
07-22 06:03:10.342 9417 9433 V MediaRouter: Adding route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=null types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
07-22 06:03:10.348 9417 9433 V MediaRouter: Updating audio routes: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }
07-22 06:03:10.350 9417 9433 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=null types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
07-22 06:03:10.374 9417 9433 D OVRPlugin: JNI_OnLoad
07-22 06:03:10.379 9417 9433 I OVRPlugin: CompositorVRAPI::PreInitialize: use default UnityPlayer activity
07-22 06:03:10.379 9417 9433 I VrAppLoader: VrApi Loader Version: Mar 1 2018 17:25:42 Development
07-22 06:03:10.382 9417 9433 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/VrDriver/lib/arm
07-22 06:03:10.384 9417 9433 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/app/VrDriver/lib/arm:/system/fake-libs:/system/app/VrDriver/VrDriver.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xf0af0090
07-22 06:03:10.387 9417 9433 V VrDriver: Loading 32-bit VrDriver…
07-22 06:03:10.391 9417 9433 I VrApi : *Adding Layer: Rage
07-22 06:03:10.391 9417 9433 I VrApi : *Adding Layer: PowerLevelSwitcher
07-22 06:03:10.391 9417 9433 I VrApi : *Adding Layer: UtilPoller
07-22 06:03:10.391 9417 9433 I VrApi : *Adding Layer: VrIntegrationLayer
07-22 06:03:10.391 9417 9433 I VrApi : About to call StartLayer in vrapilayers.VrIntegrationLayer
07-22 06:03:10.391 9417 9433 D VrIntegrationLayerJava: VrIntegrationLayer StartLayer: Loading libvrintegrationlayer.so
07-22 06:03:10.394 9417 9433 I VrApiLayers: Initializing VrApiLayer
07-22 06:03:10.394 9417 9433 I VrApi : VrapiLayer VrIntegrationLayer started
07-22 06:03:10.394 9417 9433 I VrApi : About to call StartLayer in vrapilayers.UtilPoller
07-22 06:03:10.394 9417 9433 D UtilPollerJava: UtilPoller StartLayer: Loading utilpoller.so
07-22 06:03:10.397 9417 9433 I VrApiLayers: Initializing VrApiLayer
07-22 06:03:10.397 9417 9433 I VrApi : VrapiLayer UtilPoller started
07-22 06:03:10.397 9417 9433 I VrApi : About to call StartLayer in vrapilayers.PowerLevelSwitcher
07-22 06:03:10.397 9417 9433 D PowerLevelSwitcherJava: PowerLevelSwitcher StartLayer: Loading powerlevelswitcher.so
07-22 06:03:10.400 9417 9433 I VrApiLayers: Initializing VrApiLayer
07-22 06:03:10.400 9417 9433 I VrApi : VrapiLayer PowerLevelSwitcher started
07-22 06:03:10.400 9417 9433 I VrApi : About to call StartLayer in vrapilayers.Rage
07-22 06:03:10.401 9417 9433 D BinderConnection: Connecting to gkserviceproxy
07-22 06:03:10.403 8744 8756 I DynamicGatekeeperRegistry: Adding oculus_rageshake_enabled to DynamicGatekeeperRegistry
07-22 06:03:10.404 8744 9030 I GkService: GK oculus_rageshake_enabled registered, value=false
07-22 06:03:10.405 9417 9433 W VRRageJava: Did not pass rage GK!
07-22 06:03:10.405 9417 9433 I VrApi : VrapiLayer Rage started
07-22 06:03:10.405 9417 9433 I VrApi : ----------- vrapi_Initialize ----------
07-22 06:03:10.408 9417 9433 D VrApi : onInitialize
07-22 06:03:10.409 9417 9433 D ScreenCaptureReceiver: startReceiver
07-22 06:03:10.411 9417 9433 V VrApi : getCachedVRManagerInterface: Caching new VRManagerInterface
07-22 06:03:10.412 9417 9433 D LoggingService: Binding to logging service
07-22 06:03:10.413 9417 9433 D LoggingService: Logging Package version:
07-22 06:03:10.415 9417 9417 D LoggingService: Connected to logging service: ComponentInfo{com.oculus.horizon/com.oculus.horizon.service.SDKLoggingService}
07-22 06:03:10.416 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: ovrDeviceProperties::Initialize
07-22 06:03:10.416 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: hmt_serial
07-22 06:03:10.416 9417 9433 D BinderConnection: Connecting to HMDCalibration
07-22 06:03:10.418 638 2372 D CalibrationService: realpath(/persist/calibration/online/15448187595308063042) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.418 638 2372 D CalibrationService: realpath(/persist/calibration/SYSTEM_SN) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.418 638 2372 D CalibrationService: realpath(/system/vendor/etc/calibration/SYSTEM_SN) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.418 638 2372 I CalibrationService: loading calibration file: SYSTEM_SN
07-22 06:03:10.419 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: hmt_device_model
07-22 06:03:10.419 9417 9433 D BinderConnection: Connecting to VrApi
07-22 06:03:10.420 9417 9433 E VrApiServiceConnection: WARNING: Found VrApi service with interface version: 3
07-22 06:03:10.420 9417 9433 E VrApiServiceConnection: WARNING: Expected VrApi service interface version: 4
07-22 06:03:10.420 9417 9433 E VrApiServiceConnection: WARNING: Operating in compatibility mode, some service functionality may be unavailable
07-22 06:03:10.420 9417 9433 E VrApiServiceConnection: WARNING: Update your VrDriver or OS version to ensure compatibility!
07-22 06:03:10.421 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_model
07-22 06:03:10.421 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: ovr_GetDeviceType: device_model = ‘pacific’
07-22 06:03:10.421 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_region
07-22 06:03:10.421 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: ovr_GetDeviceRegion: NOT FOUND
07-22 06:03:10.421 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_gpu
07-22 06:03:10.422 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: device_gpu = ‘ADRENO_530’
07-22 06:03:10.422 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: Num Refresh Rates Supported 2
07-22 06:03:10.422 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: Refresh Rate (0): 60.000000Hz
07-22 06:03:10.422 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: Refresh Rate (1): 72.000000Hz
07-22 06:03:10.422 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: getDisplayDimensions returned: 2560, 1440
07-22 06:03:10.423 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_support_sdcard_path
07-22 06:03:10.425 9417 9433 D SystemActivitiesReceiver: Registering Oculus System Activity receiver
07-22 06:03:10.442 9417 9433 I SystemUtils: ShellSystemUtilsAnytimeUICapability: 1
07-22 06:03:10.442 9417 9433 I VrRuntimeClient: not using RuntimeService on Go
07-22 06:03:10.442 9417 9433 D VrApi : hasVrPermissions
07-22 06:03:10.444 9417 9433 I AudioCapture: Initializing audio capture using direct OS Callbacks
07-22 06:03:10.445 9417 9433 I VrManagerNative: accessing calibration data for DISTORTION_MESH
07-22 06:03:10.445 638 2373 D CalibrationService: realpath(/persist/calibration/online/2044294975901521753) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.446 638 2373 I CalibrationService: loading calibration file: distortion-mesh.bin
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I VrApi : found distortion mesh (52344 bytes)
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: Loaded distortion file from VRSVC
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::magic = 0x56347807
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::deviceModel = 0x40
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::headsetModel = 0x40
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeBlocksWide = 32
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeBlocksHigh = 32
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::lensSeparationMeters = 0.063500
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::horizontalOffsetMeters = 0.000000
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayWidthMeters = 0.120960
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayHeightMeters = 0.068040
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayWidthPixels = 2560
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayHeightPixels = 1440
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeTextureWidthPixels = 1024
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeTextureHeightPixels = 1024
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::leftEye = up 45.000000 / down 45.000000 / left 45.000000 / right 45.000000
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::rightEye = up 45.000000 / down 45.000000 / left 45.000000 / right 45.000000
07-22 06:03:10.447 9417 9433 I TrackingServiceClient: initialize
07-22 06:03:10.448 9417 9433 D TrackingServiceClient: onInitialize
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I InputHooks: SetReorientHMDOnControllerRecenter = false
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I OVRPlugin: VkInstanceExtensions:
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I OVRPlugin: VK_KHR_surface
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I OVRPlugin: VK_KHR_android_surface
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I OVRPlugin: VkDeviceExtensions:
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I OVRPlugin: VK_KHR_swapchain
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I OVRPlugin: VK_KHR_external_memory_fd
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I VrApi : ------------ vrapi_Shutdown -----------
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 D TrackingServiceClient: onShutdown
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 I AudioCapture: AudioCapture::Shutdown
07-22 06:03:10.450 9417 9433 D SystemActivitiesReceiver: Unregistering Oculus System Activity receiver
07-22 06:03:10.453 9417 9433 D VrApi : onShutdown
07-22 06:03:10.453 9417 9433 D ScreenCaptureReceiver: stopReceiver
07-22 06:03:10.457 9417 9433 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
07-22 06:03:10.457 9417 9433 D OVRPlugin: Initializing VR.
07-22 06:03:10.457 9417 9433 I VrAppLoader: VrApi Loader Version: Mar 1 2018 17:25:42 Development
07-22 06:03:10.459 9417 9433 V VrDriver: Loading 32-bit VrDriver…
07-22 06:03:10.459 9417 9433 I VrApi : *Adding Layer: Rage
07-22 06:03:10.459 9417 9433 I VrApi : *Adding Layer: PowerLevelSwitcher
07-22 06:03:10.459 9417 9433 I VrApi : *Adding Layer: UtilPoller
07-22 06:03:10.459 9417 9433 I VrApi : *Adding Layer: VrIntegrationLayer
07-22 06:03:10.459 9417 9433 I VrApi : About to call StartLayer in vrapilayers.VrIntegrationLayer
07-22 06:03:10.460 9417 9433 D VrIntegrationLayerJava: VrIntegrationLayer StartLayer: Loading libvrintegrationlayer.so
07-22 06:03:10.460 9417 9433 I VrApiLayers: Initializing VrApiLayer
07-22 06:03:10.460 9417 9433 I VrApi : VrapiLayer VrIntegrationLayer started
07-22 06:03:10.460 9417 9433 I VrApi : About to call StartLayer in vrapilayers.UtilPoller
07-22 06:03:10.460 9417 9433 D UtilPollerJava: UtilPoller StartLayer: Loading utilpoller.so
07-22 06:03:10.460 9417 9433 I VrApiLayers: Initializing VrApiLayer
07-22 06:03:10.461 9417 9433 I VrApi : VrapiLayer UtilPoller started
07-22 06:03:10.461 9417 9433 I VrApi : About to call StartLayer in vrapilayers.PowerLevelSwitcher
07-22 06:03:10.461 9417 9433 D PowerLevelSwitcherJava: PowerLevelSwitcher StartLayer: Loading powerlevelswitcher.so
07-22 06:03:10.461 9417 9433 I VrApiLayers: Initializing VrApiLayer
07-22 06:03:10.461 9417 9433 I VrApi : VrapiLayer PowerLevelSwitcher started
07-22 06:03:10.461 9417 9433 I VrApi : About to call StartLayer in vrapilayers.Rage
07-22 06:03:10.461 9417 9433 D BinderConnection: Connecting to gkserviceproxy
07-22 06:03:10.463 8744 8755 I DynamicGatekeeperRegistry: Adding oculus_rageshake_enabled to DynamicGatekeeperRegistry
07-22 06:03:10.465 8744 9029 I GkService: GK oculus_rageshake_enabled registered, value=false
07-22 06:03:10.465 9417 9433 W VRRageJava: Did not pass rage GK!
07-22 06:03:10.465 9417 9433 I VrApi : VrapiLayer Rage started
07-22 06:03:10.465 9417 9433 I VrApi : ----------- vrapi_Initialize ----------
07-22 06:03:10.466 9417 9433 D VrApi : onInitialize
07-22 06:03:10.466 9417 9433 D ScreenCaptureReceiver: startReceiver
07-22 06:03:10.467 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: ovrDeviceProperties::Initialize
07-22 06:03:10.467 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: hmt_serial
07-22 06:03:10.468 638 638 D CalibrationService: realpath(/persist/calibration/online/15448187595308063042) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.468 638 638 D CalibrationService: realpath(/persist/calibration/SYSTEM_SN) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.468 638 638 D CalibrationService: realpath(/system/vendor/etc/calibration/SYSTEM_SN) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.468 638 638 I CalibrationService: loading calibration file: SYSTEM_SN
07-22 06:03:10.468 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: hmt_device_model
07-22 06:03:10.469 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_model
07-22 06:03:10.469 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: ovr_GetDeviceType: device_model = ‘pacific’
07-22 06:03:10.469 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_region
07-22 06:03:10.469 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: ovr_GetDeviceRegion: NOT FOUND
07-22 06:03:10.469 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_gpu
07-22 06:03:10.470 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: device_gpu = ‘ADRENO_530’
07-22 06:03:10.470 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: Num Refresh Rates Supported 2
07-22 06:03:10.470 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: Refresh Rate (0): 60.000000Hz
07-22 06:03:10.470 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: Refresh Rate (1): 72.000000Hz
07-22 06:03:10.470 9417 9433 I DeviceProperties_Android: getDisplayDimensions returned: 2560, 1440
07-22 06:03:10.470 9417 9433 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_support_sdcard_path
07-22 06:03:10.472 9417 9433 D SystemActivitiesReceiver: Registering Oculus System Activity receiver
07-22 06:03:10.491 9417 9433 I SystemUtils: ShellSystemUtilsAnytimeUICapability: 1
07-22 06:03:10.491 9417 9433 I VrRuntimeClient: not using RuntimeService on Go
07-22 06:03:10.491 9417 9433 D VrApi : hasVrPermissions
07-22 06:03:10.491 9417 9433 I AudioCapture: Initializing audio capture using direct OS Callbacks
07-22 06:03:10.491 9417 9433 I VrManagerNative: accessing calibration data for DISTORTION_MESH
07-22 06:03:10.492 638 646 D CalibrationService: realpath(/persist/calibration/online/2044294975901521753) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.492 638 646 I CalibrationService: loading calibration file: distortion-mesh.bin
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I VrApi : found distortion mesh (52344 bytes)
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: Loaded distortion file from VRSVC
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::magic = 0x56347807
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::deviceModel = 0x40
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::headsetModel = 0x40
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeBlocksWide = 32
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeBlocksHigh = 32
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::lensSeparationMeters = 0.063500
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::horizontalOffsetMeters = 0.000000
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayWidthMeters = 0.120960
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayHeightMeters = 0.068040
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayWidthPixels = 2560
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayHeightPixels = 1440
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeTextureWidthPixels = 1024
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeTextureHeightPixels = 1024
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::leftEye = up 45.000000 / down 45.000000 / left 45.000000 / right 45.000000
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::rightEye = up 45.000000 / down 45.000000 / left 45.000000 / right 45.000000
07-22 06:03:10.493 9417 9433 I TrackingServiceClient: initialize
07-22 06:03:10.494 9417 9433 D TrackingServiceClient: onInitialize
07-22 06:03:10.495 9417 9433 I InputHooks: SetReorientHMDOnControllerRecenter = false
07-22 06:03:10.495 9417 9433 I VrIntegrationLoader: VrIntegration Loader Version Jan 26 2018 14:41:59
07-22 06:03:10.495 9417 9433 V VrIntegrationLoader: Loading 32-bit VrIntegration…
07-22 06:03:10.496 9417 9433 V VrIntegrationLoader: loadInternal VrIntegration No Class!!!
07-22 06:03:10.496 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: ----------- VrIntegration_Initialize ----------
07-22 06:03:10.497 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: Core 0 max freq 2188800
07-22 06:03:10.497 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: Core 1 max freq 2188800
07-22 06:03:10.497 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: Core 2 max freq 2342400
07-22 06:03:10.497 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: Core 3 max freq 2342400
07-22 06:03:10.497 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: current device has 4 cores, app can use 4 cores, max core freq 2342400, high perf core mask 0x0000000c
07-22 06:03:10.497 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: BuildModelName Pacific ,Usable Cores 4 HighPerfCoreMask 12
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9433 D OVRPlugin: Mode Parms CpuLevel 2 GpuLevel 2
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXTENSIONS:
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_EGL_image
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_EGL_image_external
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_EGL_sync
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_vertex_half_float
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_framebuffer_object
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_compression_astc
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_npot
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_3D
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_color_buffer_float
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_QCOM_alpha_test
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_depth24
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_depth_texture
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_sRGB
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_float
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_float_linear
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_half_float
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_element_index_uint
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_copy_image
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_geometry_shader
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_tessellation_shader
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_stencil8
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_shader_image_atomic
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_sample_variables
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_gpu_shader5
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_robustness
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_buffer
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_sample_shading
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_get_program_binary
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_debug_label
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_standard_derivatives
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_vertex_array_object
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_KHR_debug
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_YUV_target
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_norm16
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_surfaceless_context
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OVR_multiview
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OVR_multiview2
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_KHR_no_error
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_debug_marker
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3
07-22 06:03:10.498 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_buffer_storage
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_external_buffer
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_blit_framebuffer_params
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_protected_textures
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_QCOM_texture_foveated
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_memory_object
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_memory_object_fd
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_EXT_EGL_image_array
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: es3 = TRUE
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Found: GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Found: GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Found: GL_OES_vertex_array_object
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Found: GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Found: GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Found: GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Found: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS = 256
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS = 256
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Found: GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Finished setting up render thread.
07-22 06:03:10.499 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Entering VR mode.
07-22 06:03:10.500 9417 9461 I VrApi : ---------- vrapi_EnterVrMode [start] ----------
07-22 06:03:10.500 9417 9461 D InputHooksJava: Enabling Java Input Hooks
07-22 06:03:10.500 9417 9461 I InputDeviceManager: ovrInputDeviceManager::Initialize
07-22 06:03:10.500 9417 9461 D VrApi : getControllerHandedness
07-22 06:03:10.500 9417 9461 D VrManagerNative: getControllerHandedness
07-22 06:03:10.501 9417 9461 I ScreenCapture: GetScreenCaptureInhibitFlagFromVrHelper
07-22 06:03:10.501 9417 9461 E VrManagerNative: getProviderPropertyString not supported
07-22 06:03:10.501 9417 9461 D TrackingServiceConnectionNative: onClientConnect
07-22 06:03:10.501 9417 9461 D BinderConnection: Connecting to TrackingService
07-22 06:03:10.502 9417 9461 D TrackingServiceConnectionNative: onConnected
07-22 06:03:10.502 1321 1345 I TrackingService: TrackingService::getSharedMemoryFileDescriptor
07-22 06:03:10.503 9417 9461 I TrackingServiceClient: OVR::TrackingService::ClientSetInterface
07-22 06:03:10.503 9417 9461 I TrackingServiceClient: TrackingService client: roFd(66)
07-22 06:03:10.503 9417 9461 I TrackingServiceClient: TrackingService client: connected to interface version 5.
07-22 06:03:10.503 9417 9461 I TrackingServiceClient: TrackingService client: last prediction time is 0.000260 seconds old
07-22 06:03:10.503 9417 9461 I TrackingServiceClient: TrackingService client: provided by pid=1321
07-22 06:03:10.503 1321 1989 I TrackingService: TrackingService::registerClient
07-22 06:03:10.503 1321 1989 I TrackingService: Registering client with TrackingServiceHost
07-22 06:03:10.504 1321 1989 I TrackingService: Notifying client pid 9417 of new remote 3036756067662743568
07-22 06:03:10.504 9417 9461 D TrackingServiceClient: TrackingServiceClient onRemoteConnected 3036756067662743568
07-22 06:03:10.504 9417 9461 I InputDeviceManager: ovrInputDeviceManager::SetRemoteConnected - hardwareID = 3036756067662743568, modelID = 6
07-22 06:03:10.504 9417 9461 I InputDeviceManager: ovrInputDeviceManager::CreateDevice - hardwareID = 3036756067662743568, modelID = 6
07-22 06:03:10.504 9417 9461 I InputDeviceManager: ovrInputDeviceManager::AllocDevice - hardwareID = 3036756067662743568, modelID = 6
07-22 06:03:10.505 1321 1989 I TrackingService: TrackingServiceHost GetSharedMemoryFileDescriptor for client pid 9417
07-22 06:03:10.505 1321 1989 I TrackingService: TrackingServiceHost registered common client; there are 0 secure clients
07-22 06:03:10.505 9417 9461 I TrackingServiceClient: ClientConnectComplete
07-22 06:03:10.506 9417 9461 D VrApi : targetSDKVersion 26
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : DEVICE MODEL NUMBER = Pacific
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : DEVICE HARDWARE = pacific
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : DEVICE BUILD NAME = user-27130.12430.180
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : DEVICE BUILD TYPE = user
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : DEVICE OS VERSION = 7.1.2
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : VRAPI VERSION = May 23 2018 12:05:24 Development RELEASE
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : VRAPI LOADER VERSION =
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : APP NAME = MyApp
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : APP VERSION = 1.0.41 versionCode 1 internalVersionName
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : APP VR TYPE = vr_only
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : APP PACKAGE NAME = com.myapp.id
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : APP ACTIVITY CLASS = com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : ovrModeParms::VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_ALLOW_POWER_SAVE = 1
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : ovrModeParms::VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_RESET_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN = 1
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : ovrModeParms::VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_NATIVE_WINDOW = 1
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : ovrModeParms::VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_FRONT_BUFFER_PROTECTED = 0
07-22 06:03:10.507 9417 9461 I VrApi : ovrModeParms::VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_FRONT_BUFFER_565 = 0
07-22 06:03:10.508 9417 9461 I VrApi : ovrModeParms::VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_FRONT_BUFFER_SRGB = 0
07-22 06:03:10.508 9417 9461 I VrApi : ovrModeParms::VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_CREATE_CONTEXT_NO_ERROR = 0
07-22 06:03:10.508 9417 9461 I VrApi : HMD sensor attached.
07-22 06:03:10.509 639 2281 D VrApiService: refresh-rate changed to 60Hz
07-22 06:03:10.509 9417 9461 I VrApi : Set Display(0) Refresh Rate = 60.000000
07-22 06:03:10.509 9417 9461 D BatteryReceiver: Registering battery receiver
07-22 06:03:10.512 9417 9461 D HeadsetReceiver: getCurrentHeadsetState: false
07-22 06:03:10.512 9417 9461 I DeviceStatus_Android: nativeHeadsetEvent(0)
07-22 06:03:10.513 9417 9461 I DeviceStatus_Android: nativeGamepadListener(0)
07-22 06:03:10.514 9417 9461 I VrApi : ovr_HandleHmdEvents: HMT was mounted
07-22 06:03:10.514 9417 9461 I ScreenCaptureReceiver: setting new mount status: true
07-22 06:03:10.516 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: ---------------- TimeWarpLocal() ----------------
07-22 06:03:10.516 8744 8744 I OVRMediaService: onStartCommand Received message type: set_mount_status
07-22 06:03:10.516 1321 1731 I [ORIENTATION:SensorFusionImpl-H]: SensorFusion 2: ResetCorrections
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: DisplayParms.ScanoutDirection = 0
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: DisplayParms.ShutterType = 1
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: DisplayParms.timing = 0.600000 0.600000
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: DisplayParms.prediction = (2.000000 2.000000) (2.000000 2.000000)
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: forceNumScreenSlices = 1
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: warpMeshClipMode = 1
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I Vsync : ---------------- Vsync::Init ----------------
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I Vsync : Using VsyncModel 0
07-22 06:03:10.517 9417 9461 I Vsync : Opened /sys/class/graphics/fb0/vsync_event
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: OVR::Clocks thread started
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: Application context EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION = 3
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: use_surfacemgr_surface = 0
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: shouldUseSurfaceManager = 0
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: TimeWarpAllocatedFrontBuffer = 1
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: display cached= 0x0 new= 0x1
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: config cached= 0x0 new=0xe67964a8
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: native_window cached= 0x0 new=0xe3f63008
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: num_attribs cached= 0 new= 0
07-22 06:03:10.518 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: attrib_list cached= 1505 new= 1505
07-22 06:03:10.519 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: eglCreateWindowSurfaceCached: created new surface 0xb90d7460
07-22 06:03:10.519 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: ANativeWindow_GetFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 (1)
07-22 06:03:10.519 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: frontBufferWidth = 2560
07-22 06:03:10.519 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: frontBufferHeight = 1440
07-22 06:03:10.519 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: frontBufferIsProtected = 0
07-22 06:03:10.519 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: frontBufferIs565 = 0
07-22 06:03:10.519 9417 9475 I TimeWarp: WarpThreadInit()
07-22 06:03:10.520 9417 9474 I Clocks : LockClocks( cpu=2, gpu=2 ) - start
07-22 06:03:10.521 9417 9474 D VrApi : Available levels: {GPU MIN, GPU MAX, CPU MIN, CPU MAX}
07-22 06:03:10.521 9417 9474 D VrApi : → / 0
07-22 06:03:10.521 9417 9474 D VrApi : → / 5
07-22 06:03:10.521 9417 9474 D VrApi : → / 0
07-22 06:03:10.521 9417 9474 D VrApi : → / 5
07-22 06:03:10.522 9417 9474 I Clocks : CPU levels [0, 5]
07-22 06:03:10.522 9417 9474 I Clocks : GPU levels [0, 5]
07-22 06:03:10.522 9417 9474 D VrApi : setSystemPerformance cpu: 2 gpu: 2
07-22 06:03:10.527 9417 9474 I Clocks : LockClocks( cpu=2, gpu=2 ) - end (7.3 ms)
07-22 06:03:10.530 9417 9475 D VrApi : setSchedFifoStatic tid:9475 pto:2
07-22 06:03:10.530 9417 9475 I Clocks : SetSchedFifo( tid=9475, pri=2 ) succeeded
07-22 06:03:10.531 9417 9474 I Clocks : ReleaseClocks - start
07-22 06:03:10.531 9417 9474 D VrApi : releaseSystemPerformanceStatic
07-22 06:03:10.532 639 810 D VrApiService: CPU_CLUSTER_0: No client requests exists, release clocks
07-22 06:03:10.533 9417 9475 I TimeWarp: Context is EGL_CONTEXT_PRIORITY_HIGH_IMG
07-22 06:03:10.533 639 810 D VrApiService: CPU_CLUSTER_1: No client requests exists, release clocks
07-22 06:03:10.537 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXTENSIONS:
07-22 06:03:10.537 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_EGL_image
07-22 06:03:10.537 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_EGL_image_external
07-22 06:03:10.537 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_EGL_sync
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_vertex_half_float
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_framebuffer_object
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_compression_astc
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_npot
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_3D
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_color_buffer_float
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_QCOM_alpha_test
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_depth24
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_depth_texture
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_sRGB
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_float
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_float_linear
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_half_float
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_element_index_uint
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_copy_image
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_geometry_shader
07-22 06:03:10.538 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_tessellation_shader
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_stencil8
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_shader_image_atomic
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_sample_variables
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_gpu_shader5
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_robustness
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_buffer
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_sample_shading
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_get_program_binary
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_debug_label
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_standard_derivatives
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_vertex_array_object
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_KHR_debug
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_YUV_target
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_norm16
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
07-22 06:03:10.539 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_surfaceless_context
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OVR_multiview
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OVR_multiview2
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_KHR_no_error
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_debug_marker
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_buffer_storage
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_external_buffer
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_blit_framebuffer_params
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_protected_textures
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_QCOM_texture_foveated
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_memory_object
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_memory_object_fd
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_EXT_EGL_image_array
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: es3 = TRUE
07-22 06:03:10.540 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_OES_vertex_array_object
07-22 06:03:10.541 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering
07-22 06:03:10.541 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
07-22 06:03:10.541 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent
07-22 06:03:10.542 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
07-22 06:03:10.542 639 810 D VrApiService: GPU: No client requests exists, release clocks
07-22 06:03:10.542 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_EXT_memory_object
07-22 06:03:10.542 639 810 D VrApiService: CPUBW: No client requests exists, release clocks
07-22 06:03:10.542 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_EXT_memory_object_fd
07-22 06:03:10.542 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_QCOM_texture_foveated
07-22 06:03:10.542 9417 9475 I GraphicsWrapper_GLES: Found: GL_KHR_debug
07-22 06:03:10.544 639 810 D VrApiService: GPUBW: No client requests exists, release clocks
07-22 06:03:10.544 9417 9475 I TimeWarp: frontBufferIsSrgb = 0
07-22 06:03:10.544 9417 9475 I DirectRender: 0xb91ddf48 DirectRender::Init(true)
07-22 06:03:10.544 9417 9475 I DirectRender: Performing an initial swapbuffers.
07-22 06:03:10.545 9417 9474 I Clocks : ReleaseClocks - end (14.1 ms)
07-22 06:03:10.546 9417 9475 I DirectRender: surface size: 2560 x 1440
07-22 06:03:10.547 9417 9475 I DirectRender: Clearing JNI Exceptions
07-22 06:03:10.547 9417 9475 I DirectRender: Supports KHR_mutable_render_buffer!
07-22 06:03:10.547 9417 9475 I DirectRender: Set EGL_RENDER_BUFFER to EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER
07-22 06:03:10.549 9417 9475 I DirectRender: Enabled auto refresh mode
07-22 06:03:10.550 9417 9475 I DirectRender: TilerControl: 4
07-22 06:03:10.550 9417 9475 I DirectRender: Fullscreen
07-22 06:03:10.551 9417 9475 I VrManagerNative: accessing calibration data for DISTORTION_MESH
07-22 06:03:10.551 638 2372 D CalibrationService: realpath(/persist/calibration/online/2044294975901521753) failed, reason: No such file or directory
07-22 06:03:10.551 638 2372 I CalibrationService: loading calibration file: distortion-mesh.bin
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I VrApi : found distortion mesh (52344 bytes)
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: Loaded distortion file from VRSVC
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::magic = 0x56347807
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::deviceModel = 0x40
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::headsetModel = 0x40
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeBlocksWide = 32
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeBlocksHigh = 32
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::lensSeparationMeters = 0.063500
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::horizontalOffsetMeters = 0.000000
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayWidthMeters = 0.120960
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayHeightMeters = 0.068040
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayWidthPixels = 2560
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::displayHeightPixels = 1440
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeTextureWidthPixels = 1024
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::eyeTextureHeightPixels = 1024
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::leftEye = up 45.000000 / down 45.000000 / left 45.000000 / right 45.000000
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I Distortion: ovrDistortionMeshHeader::rightEye = up 45.000000 / down 45.000000 / left 45.000000 / right 45.000000
07-22 06:03:10.552 9417 9475 I DistortionMesh: LoadDistortionMeshFromMemory
07-22 06:03:10.553 9417 9475 I DistortionMesh: distortion mesh clipping saved 27.97% fill
07-22 06:03:10.557 9417 9475 D VrApiNotificationReceiverHelper: initializeForContext
07-22 06:03:10.558 9417 9475 D VrApi : getDeviceProperty: device_model
07-22 06:03:10.559 9417 9475 I SurfaceTextureNotifier: Allocated shared memory fd 68
07-22 06:03:10.559 9417 9475 I NotificationSurfaceBroadcastReceiver: Registering com.oculus.vrdriver.new_notification_to_show
07-22 06:03:10.559 9417 9475 I NotificationSurfaceBroadcastReceiver: Registering com.oculus.vrdriver.teardown_notification
07-22 06:03:10.559 9417 9475 I NotificationSurfaceBroadcastReceiver: Registering com.oculus.vrdriver.block_input_for_overlay
07-22 06:03:10.561 9417 9475 I ScreenCapture: Create ScreenCapture object
07-22 06:03:10.562 9417 9475 I ScreenCaptureReceiver: Advertising com.myapp.id as streamable
07-22 06:03:10.589 9417 9475 I TimeWarpProgs: [0xb91e5d7c] Built layerProgram 0x40003 (texture type 0) in 26.8 ms
07-22 06:03:10.607 9417 9475 I TimeWarpProgs: [0xb91e5d7c] Built layerProgram 0x440007 (texture type 0) in 17.6 ms
07-22 06:03:10.607 9417 9475 I TimeWarp: WarpThreadInit() - End
07-22 06:03:10.607 9417 9461 I TimeWarp: -------------- TimeWarpLocal() End --------------
07-22 06:03:10.608 9417 9461 I VrApi : OVR::Stats thread started
07-22 06:03:10.608 9417 9461 D VrApi : getSystemBrightness
07-22 06:03:10.611 1283 1316 D SettingsProxyService: getScreenBrightness: Got system brightness: 102
07-22 06:03:10.612 9417 9461 I VrApi : System brightness = 102
07-22 06:03:10.612 9417 9461 D VrApi : setSystemBrightness 102
07-22 06:03:10.613 1283 1318 D SettingsProxyService: setScreenBrightness: Set brightness to: 102
07-22 06:03:10.613 9417 9461 I VrApi : Set brightness to 102
07-22 06:03:10.614 9417 9461 D VrApi : getDoNotDisturbMode
07-22 06:03:10.614 9417 9461 D VrManagerNative: getDoNotDisturbMode
07-22 06:03:10.614 9417 9461 I VrApi : Set DND mode to false
07-22 06:03:10.614 9417 9461 D VrApi : setDoNotDisturbMode false
07-22 06:03:10.614 9417 9461 D VrManagerNative: setDoNotDisturbMode
07-22 06:03:10.623 9417 9461 I VrApi : System DND mode = false
07-22 06:03:10.623 9417 9461 I VrApi : ---------- vrapi_EnterVrMode [end] ----------
07-22 06:03:10.623 9417 9417 D VrApi : getWindow().addFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN )
07-22 06:03:10.625 9417 9476 D VrApi : VrApi::isWifiConnected exception: Make sure android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE is set in the manifest.
07-22 06:03:10.629 9417 9476 D VrApi : targetSDKVersion 26
07-22 06:03:10.629 9417 9461 I DynamicClockLevelScaler: Start: forcing GPU utilization
07-22 06:03:10.629 9417 9461 I InputHooks: SetLatchBackButtonEntireFrame = false
07-22 06:03:10.629 9417 9461 I InputHooks: SetBlockRemoteButtonsWhenNotEmulatingHMT = true
07-22 06:03:10.629 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Registering utility receivers.
07-22 06:03:10.629 9417 9461 D UnityVolumeReceiver: Registering volume receiver
07-22 06:03:10.630 9417 9476 I Metrics : device name = Oculus Pacific
07-22 06:03:10.633 9417 9461 D UnityVolumeReceiver: startVolumeReceiver: 10
07-22 06:03:10.633 9417 9461 D HeadsetReceiver: getCurrentHeadsetState: false
07-22 06:03:10.633 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: nativeHeadsetEvent(0)
07-22 06:03:10.633 9417 9461 D HeadsetReceiver: Registering headset receiver
07-22 06:03:10.634 9417 9461 D UnityBatteryReceiver: Registering battery receiver
07-22 06:03:10.637 9417 9461 D OVRPlugin: Developer mode: 1
07-22 06:03:10.637 9417 9461 W Unity : Oculus Patched Thread Core Affinity on threads: 9433 and 9461
07-22 06:03:10.637 9417 9461 W Unity :
07-22 06:03:10.637 9417 9461 W Unity : (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/VR/Oculus/VROculus.cpp Line: 887)
07-22 06:03:10.637 9417 9461 W Unity :
07-22 06:03:10.638 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: Thread 9461 affinity set to 12
07-22 06:03:10.638 9417 9433 I VrIntegration: Thread 9433 affinity set to 12
07-22 06:03:10.638 9417 9433 I Unity : Created eye textures with a “separate” layout. The “multi-pass” stereo mode will be used.
07-22 06:03:10.638 9417 9433 I Unity :
07-22 06:03:10.638 9417 9433 I Unity :
07-22 06:03:10.638 9417 9433 I Unity : (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/VR/VRDevice.cpp Line: 2158)
07-22 06:03:10.638 9417 9433 I Unity :
07-22 06:07:18.121 9417 9477 I UtilPoller: GPU Util 0.000672 / CPU Util 0.614583 (avg 0.569730)
07-22 06:07:18.674 9417 9476 I VrApi : FPS=0,Prd=0ms,Tear=0,Early=0,Stale=0,VSnc=1,Lat=0,Fov=0,CPU2/GPU=-1/-1,2342/214MHz,OC=F,TA=0/0/0,SP=N/N/N,Mem=680MHz,Free=175MB,PSM=0,PLS=0,Temp=0.0C/0.0C,TW=0.00ms,App=0.00ms
07-22 06:07:24.162 9417 9477 I UtilPoller: GPU Util 0.000570 / CPU Util 1.000000 (avg 0.857062)
07-22 06:07:24.701 9417 9476 I VrApi : FPS=0,Prd=0ms,Tear=0,Early=0,Stale=0,VSnc=1,Lat=0,Fov=0,CPU2/GPU=-1/-1,2342/214MHz,OC=F,TA=0/0/0,SP=N/N/N,Mem=1804MHz,Free=151MB,PSM=0,PLS=0,Temp=0.0C/0.0C,TW=0.00ms,App=0.00ms
07-22 06:07:29.308 9417 9477 I UtilPoller: GPU Util 0.000583 / CPU Util 0.951456 (avg 0.862773)
07-22 06:07:29.889 9417 9476 I VrApi : FPS=0,Prd=0ms,Tear=0,Early=0,Stale=0,VSnc=1,Lat=0,Fov=0,CPU2/GPU=-1/-1,2342/214MHz,OC=F,TA=0/0/0,SP=N/N/N,Mem=1804MHz,Free=128MB,PSM=0,PLS=0,Temp=0.0C/0.0C,TW=0.00ms,App=0.00ms
07-22 06:07:30.596 9417 9477 I UtilPoller: GPU Util 0.000430 / CPU Util 0.953125 (avg 0.844774)
7-22 06:07:32.463 1032 1319 I ActivityManager: Process com.myapp.id (pid 9417) has died
07-22 06:07:32.463 1032 1319 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord – 9417
07-22 06:07:32.467 1032 1319 W ActivityManager: Force removing ActivityRecord{a1f31de u0 com.myapp.id/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t425}: app died, no saved state
07-22 06:07:32.468 1321 1345 I TrackingService: Unregistering client ‘pid 9417’ by binder death
07-22 06:07:32.469 1321 1345 I TrackingService: TrackingServiceHost Unregistering client: pid 9417