Android Quad HD Resolution Performances

Hi everyone!

I have a performance problem on some recent Android devices.
I have a game that run on Android devices that have the resolution set to Full HD at 60 fps.
However when my friend tested my game on his new Android, the performance was really bad because the phone was set to Quad HD.

Is there a way to make my application use Full HD instead of Quad HD ?
Using Unity Screen.resolutions return me an empty list.

So i cannot Set any lower resolution.

Is anyone having the same problem ?
Is there a way to solve it ?

Thank you in advance for any answer.
Best regards.

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what are you referring to when you say “Full HD” and “Quad HD”? Those just sound like random terms that don’t mean anything because what are they relative to?

Does Screen.currentResolution show anything for you?

Full HD (1920 Ă— 1080)
Quad HD (3840 x 2160)

So its 4 times the Full HD resolution.
Even if the device is new and powerful, the very high Quad HD resolution looks to kill the perfs of my game.

Didn’t realize that 1080p was also know as Full HD, guess I learned something new. However Quad HD is 4x 720p, not 4x Full HD.

3840x2160 is UHD (4K). Which phone are you using that has a 4k screen? As you said, I doubt the hardware is good enough to handle that resolution for most graphics, geez!

When are you calling Screen.SetResolution?

Thanks for digging into my problem.
Yeah sorry Quad HD is not 4x Full HD.

Actually, Unity does not let me any choices, when i use Screen.resolutions the returned array is empty…
That mean i can only use Quad HD Resolution.

Is there any way around to use a lower resolution ?

As far as I know, just because Screen.resolutions doesn’t show you a possible resolution doesn’t mean you can’t still use that.

So for example, try still setting it to 1920x1080 regardless, or something, and see if it will still set that screen res.

I’ve only ever seen that advertised as 4K HD. Just found out there is a 2K HD and that 4K HD and UHD are not the same:

Oops, it seems the resolution in this thread being called Quad HD is actually UHD and many people are calling UHD, 4K, which it is not.

Oh really? I didn’t know that, will try it and report.