Android rendering problem camera angle changes causes bad rendering

Hello all,

I am using unity 4.6.5 and unity 5.0.4 I cannot squash this bug.

I have tried changing every rendering setting.

I turned everything off and it still occurs
I am using mobile diffuse material , (except on the net which is a transparent / cutout / diffuse)
I have tried vertex rendering, forward rendering
I have tried with Use 24-bit depth buffer off and on
I have tried with Use 32-bit display buffer off and on

I have tried using occlusion culling for the scene

This is only a problem on some androids specifically I am testing on S3 and amazon firephone

This does not happen at all on amazon kindle nor iOS

also, the net and block are close to the table but not that close

any ideas???

solved by setting the Camera Clipping Planes Near to 1