android sdk not found

last night I spend 2 hours trying to figure out where is the location of android sdk and finally got it to work but now it not working and it doesn’t give me any error message. it doesn’t say android sdk not found it just direct me to search for android sdk and which I did but once I did that, the build and run just exit. does anyone have any idea?

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I had the same issue, here is what I found works for me:

  1. Make sure SDK 4.0 is installed even if you are using 2.3 or something just install 4.0 using SDK Manager
  2. Run Unity as Administrator (Right Click → Run as Administrator)
  3. I find stopping the adb.exe process works,
  4. If you find the first build works but the second fails, try the above, if they fail, restart computer.


I have the same issue, please let me know if you solved it. Since I’m just starting I’ll rather give up wit unity and change engine

I’m working on a intel i5 8gbram windows 7-64bit
updating status after 20h, this is what I’ve done:

-uninstalled unity
-uninstalled java JDK 32bit and 64bit versions
-uninstalled all the android sdks
-uninstalled android studio
-installed jdk 1.7 32bit(only)
-installed android sdk 4.0(api14) (in C:\Program Files (x86)\android-windows-sdk)
-installed unity (in directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor)

Result is that nothing changed, while trying to build/run for android, UNITY can’t find “android-windows-sdk” directory.

Please help???!!!

I have exactly the same issue – UNITY can’t find “android-windows-sdk” directory…

I found same issue. Please share any suggestion to solve this android SDK issue.

This is my solution way; its really simple also. When Unity ask you for “android-sdk” , i showed a directory which is in “USERS”.

" C:\Users\BEEFER\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-14 " its also works for my computer. “AppData” is secret folder, be carefull for this issue.

Adt MUST close while this processing time…


Thanks Man, for sharing quick solution about SDK issue.

I am using Unity 5.3.5.f1 and Android 23. Just C:\Users'UserName’\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\ worked for me. Please note that you MUST replace ‘UserName’ with your user that has the SDK and Unity installed. I hope this helps anyone with the same problem now!


I’m using 5.6 and I’m getting an error that unity cannot locate sdk path although I navigated to C:\Users'UserName’\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ . Can someone tell me the director structure of the sdk folder? A photo of mine is attached. Thanks


Same here. There’s no exe file in the folder. Whenever I try to show sdk in Unity, to show SDK exe, I can not see it.

See the setup guide

hi, here’s how i fixed the problem (maybe it’s not the perfectly orthodox way but it worked for me)

  1. install JDK 32 bit ONLY
  2. install Android studio
  3. download the sdk-tools-windows-4333796
  4. keep it in a different folder than the android studio one
  5. open android studio and launch the SDK manager
  6. change the install folder (select the root of the sdk-tools-windows-4333796 you downloaded on step 3)
  7. let android studio update all pakages and tools (i installed eanything but maybe it-s not necessary)
  8. open unity and go to edit/preferences/external tools
  9. set the JDK path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\
  10. set the SDK path to the root folder used on step 4 C:[your folder]sdk-tools-windows-4333796
  11. done

Wow what stupidity! Not only are the command line instructions now out of date, but Google has removed the SDK manager GUI from Android Studio altogether! Who are the ass hats who make these decisions? Don’t they realize that there are a suite of tools that are dependent on these things?

A much easier way to solve this SDK setup is to download the SDK directly from the Android archive and then update the SDK to a version that will work with the current version of Unity (for me it was r28) using the SDK Manager.exe which is at the root of the unzip location

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Why have you posted a link to r24 yet have quoted r28?

Consider this solution only if :
You have android sdk installed already on your system.

You need to also install sdk module in Unity. For that :

  • Open Unity Hub
  • In “Installs” tab, click on the three dot menu of your version card
  • Click on “Add modules”
  • Select “SDK” under “Android” option
  • Agree and move further(clicking next) with following installation steps (as usually done)
  • Try “Build and Run” again !

This worked for me atleast.

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To add to unity_-Nhr9kakg87-1w’s response. I did that and still had the build error.

To fix, where they say “Select “SDK” under “Android” option”
Also click the down arrow next to “Android” and also check the boxes for JDK and NDK.

For me the boxes were unchecked for some reason.

I had the same issue here with Unity2019.2.20f1.
This video helped me

Basically it’s:

  • cd Unity/Hub/Editor/unity_version/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngine/AndroidPlayer

  • chmod +x OpenJDK/jre/bin/*

  • chmod +x OpenJDK/bin/*

  • Download Android SDK “Command line tools only” for Linux from Download Android Studio & App Tools - Android Developers, and extract it to Unity/Hub/Editor/unity_version/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngine/AndroidPlayer/SDK

  • chmod +x SDK/*

  • chmod +x NDK/*

I needed to do an extra step, because I had an issue also with the NDK not being found.
In the edit/preferences/external tools set manually the NDK path to /home//Unity/Hub/Editor//Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/NDK/android-ndk-r16b (by default it’s only …/NDK !)

Open Android Studio > Sdk Manager
Please untick checkbox Hide Obsulate Packages

==>SDKTools ==> Androis Sdk Tools(obsulate) Ticked CheckBox after install


Excellent, thanks

thanks this works for me.

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