Android: Second scene won't load on some devices

Hi All,

I’ve been researching this issue for a couple of days and can’t seem to find a solution that resolves my issue.

High-level overview of the issue: I’ve built a game with two scenes for internal testing on Google Play Console. For most of my testers the game works, for a couple of them they can’t load the second scene. My flow is: Unity splash screen → Scene 1: Loading screen with async operation that launches scene 2 once complete → Scene 2: Main game. Users are seeing Scene 1, but once scene 1 concludes scene 2 doesn’t load.

Based on similar topics I’ve tried adding READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions to the Android Manifest and this doesn’t seem to have resolved it.

The individuals facing this problem are on the following devices: (1) LG7 Android 10, (2) Galaxy S10+ w/ Android 10.

Does anyone know what could be causing scenes not to load on these devices?

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I have the same problem…

Same for me, does anyone find a solution?