Android tilt control makes the object invisible on my device. Why ?

Hi! I am making a android game using the unity engine, and I was adding tilt control to the object that i want to control. I just wanted to make it move from left to right on landscape mode, I used this script:

function Update ()
	var dir : Vector3 =;
	dir.z = Input.acceleration.y;
	dir *= Time.deltaTime;
	transform.Translate (-dir * 13);

And when I test it on android the object that I needed to control with tilt did not show up and everything else did. Can some one help me ?

I figured it out, Because the game was landscape I needed to monitor acceleration on X not on Y. Thanks for the help jaakaappi. Now it works.

var speed : float;
function Update ()
        var dir : Vector3 =;
        dir.z = -Input.acceleration.x;
        dir *= Time.deltaTime;
        transform.Translate (-dir * speed);

I also made the speed a variable and inverted the axis because it was turning left in stead of right.