Android Touch delta delay

There seems to be a delta delay between first tap and finger move on some devices. In a game terms it means you’ll have some lags when trying to precise contorl over an object. I’ve got a problem on the Philips Android 5.1, then I’ve done a simple graphical test which can drow spheres upon finger move on a plane. I’ve implemented two algos: first is just a raycast to current hit.point and the second is separated for TouchPhase.Began and TouchPhase.Moved. 86789-android-51-touchscreen.png

It’s illustrate a slow finger move over a touchscreen. Both algos shows delay i’ve mentioned. BUT my colleague’s phone (HTC running Android 6) haven’t this problem! I do not have screenshot but believe me there are no spaces between first tap and finger move. So do we have a solution for all devices (at least modern devices running an actual OS?)

Finger moving from left to right. Any detected coordinate on the Input.Touch position (or Input.MousePosition, I did try this too) insantiates a sphere. There are no reported coordinates between first finger connection to surface and 1-2 mm later, unitl system didn’t realize it’s a continuous move. Some devices doesn’t have this delay phase. Anyway, I believe U haven’t an answer if U never seen such situation and even didn’t understand a question… Anyone else? :slight_smile:

Hi, I have same problem. I implemented two finger pinch zoom in my application, but there is a lag at the beggining of a movement of each finger. It is really annoying, but I didn’t find any solution.

Probably, there is no solution for that. It is system feature that the second event is detected with delay. You have to move little more to enforce second touch event.

I took a screenshot with pointer location enabled in developers mode. You can see there a gap between first and second detection (blue line between two red dots). That happens every time in every app (I can see it with pointer location), so you cannot do anything with that.

My device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, Android 5.0.2

If there is any solution, I really want to know.