Android: Touch Input Timeout Issue

We have a game on the Android Market and it is plagued by an issue with the touch input. In the game you have to hold the accelerator button to drive. The problem is that after 32 seconds (on my device) all touches get cancelled. This is a known issue as some reviewers have given us a bad review on the market for it. This page was all I could find on the internet about it:

This means that after you have held down the accelerator for 32 seconds, it cuts off and you have to press it again to continue driving. I have tested this in a completely blank project so I know it’s not our project at fault.

You can try it for yourself: Just dump this script in an empty scene, run it on Android and hold the screen for 32 seconds or so. If your phone has the same issue, the touch count will reset itself to zero, cancelling all active touches.

function OnGUI() {
GUILayout.Label("Touch count " + Input.touchCount);

Depends on how your code is implemented.

A good approach would be to to only react on certain touch phases. I.e. start accelerating if Input.touches[0].phase==TouchPhase.Began and stop only at Input.touches[0].phase==TouchPhase.Ended.

If an Input.touches[0].phase==TouchPhase.Canceled happened (which probably happens when you time out), you have to decide what to do (i.e. notify the users that he has to retap, or simply ignore it and have the car continue to accelerate).

if Input.touches[0].phase==TouchPhase.Canceled, intelligently persist the EFFECT of the touch using the coordinates of the canceled touch. Remove the effect of cancelled touch if total touchcount becomes > 1 as that means they have touched somewhere else.