What the size of the normal start camera you get in 3D games below you can see a quick drawing to explain my question better
So when create a new scene in a 3D game there spawns a camera. but how much of the total of 360 degrees does the camera shows
That is called “Field of View”.
You can see your cameras Field of View within the Inspector and set it as a value between 1 and 180 degrees (default is 60).

Alternatively, you can access (and set) this value via script:
Camera.main.fieldOfView = 50;
Please note, that this value is only used for “perspective” cameras and that “Camera.main” is to be used with a bit of caution.
The search term you want is ‘FOV’ (field of view)
Here is a forum post to help:
Also, the default is 60 degrees.