I am trying to get AngryAnt behave to compile a simple tree and I am getting:
"System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Windows mono path not found: F:\Program Files\Unity\mono\mono\mini\mono.exe"
I saw in a unity3d forum post where this was discussed and the 'fix' was to grab an early version of mono, basically disassemble it and copy it into the unity installation tree where behave was expecting it. Before I go down this route my questions are:
1)Isn't there a better way? Is there a path setting, env variable or something that can be used to designate the mono root? There is an FAQ question on angryant.com that just says install mono to fix this(which I already had) but did not really mention where.
2)What is the latest version of mono that is know to be compatible with Unity using behave? I have built 2.0 DLLs using a pretty recent mono and it seems to work. I am guessing this is the same?
Thanks a bunch