Anim Speed: oldWrappedTime > newWrappedTime error???

I’m using Unity 3 Beta (latest build) and am pausing an animation by setting the animation speed to 0.

Everything works fine but when I go to set the animation speed back to 1.0 I get an error in the editor that says:

oldWrappedTime > newWrappedTime

The animation does resume but why the error? What does it mean?

I couldn’t find a pause function btw; hence, my method for pausing. :slight_smile:

That’s correct way of pausing an animation.

It’s a bug in Unity - the scenario described should just work without any error. The error message is from internal check in Unity.

Could you make a minimal reproduction of your problem, submit a bug and send me the same number?


Sure, I’ll try. :slight_smile:

FYI, I can’t get the animation to resume, no matter what I do, if I call any functions right after I set the speed back to 1.0. I have to issue a wait function or the animation gets lost forever.

Also, I don’t see that error every time. It just happens on every few plays in the editor.


I just fixed one problem related to “oldWrappedTime > newWrappedTime”, but I doesn’t sound exactly like your one, so if you could make a small repro-case and submit it in a bug report that would be great.


We get this error when playing our cutscenes. Do you have an ETA when this will be fixed?

…/Runtime/Animation/AnimationState.cpp at line:185

Folks - to work around this try setting the animation[“YourAnim”].speed to a float explicity (if using C#), so for example if your using:

animation[ “JumpToLedge” ].speed = 0;

Try replacing that with:

animation[ “JumpToLedge” ].speed = 0.0f;

That worked for me and got rid of the problem (so far so good anyhow).

Now did I read somewhere that this is an ASSERTION left over in the code? Please, promote this coder to management quickly and get someone else warming that chair.