I am making an old BG clone. I have an in-game cut scene mocked up here:
It works with code. I would like to use the timeline of the animator to make it easier to update and develop. I would use the same functions i have already written but i would call them by dragging and dropping them to certain times on the timeline. For example:
1 second - DogRunsAway(), FatherAttacks()
3 seconds - ManOnLionKingRockAppears()
Right now its done through code but its hard to keep track of.
The Unity animator window allows functions to be called on the object the animator component is attached to but i want control of all the objects in the scene. I do not like the idea of putting everything under one object parent object just for this but i tried it anyway and it seemed to not work (clicking properties would not add them).
Is there any solution for this kind of thing? I could put an animator component on everything i want to control but that s messy and i do not get an overview of what is happening at each part of the timeline.